View Full Version : Mountain Patrol (KeKeXiLi)

Bruce Foreman
January 7th, 2007, 02:42 AM
New years eve I dropped in to Hollywood Video knowing most of the recent stuff would be picked over. Sometimes the "sleepers" that are usually buried become more visible and this was the case.

"Mountain Patrol", widescreen, National Geographic logo on it, and the soundtrack is mostly Mandarin Chinese with some Tibetan. English subtitles are easy to follow and the cinematography, and editing are outstanding.

Story is a volunteer group that tries to track down Tibetan Antelope poachers and save the dwindling herds, this is supposedly based on somewhat real events and the whole thing is very well done.

So if you're looking for something refreshingly off the beaten path and are tired of most of the Hollywood "pap", this might be for you.

I enjoyed it thoroughly and stayed up way to late watching it.

Keith Loh
January 8th, 2007, 12:22 PM
This was a great movie. I caught it last summer at the Vancouver Film Festival.

I just love the stark imagery. People really put in their place, struggling to survive. I felt cold looking at the screen.

Sound story too.