View Full Version : Just got HV10... How to export sample???

Mike Ferrara
January 6th, 2007, 10:54 AM
Hey all. I would like to show off some clips from this nice consumer camera. I am editing on a mac with FCP HD. I would like to export a full size 1080i for web download, and maybe a 720 size too for those with slower connections. I also have the 50 dollar flip4 mac somewhere. I think I could export a WMVHD with it, but I would like to try quicktime h.264 first. I use WMVHD at work all the time. I would like to try something new. I hardly use my Mac so this will be a good learning experience.

Anyway, I like he camera so far. The images are great in light. The low light is good, but you can't use auto or it will appear grainy with lines. Some of the presets are better in low light. I am not used to having little control over a camera. It will take some time learning to dumb down a bit. The least professional video camera I have used is a canon gl1, so I am so spoiled by having the complete control of ENG cams. All my clips are on auto. I can't wait to show them off. This camera really is a bang for the buck. Definitley a great family or B camera!! Not pro at all, but a good camera.....