View Full Version : XH A1 vs. DXV100

James Jackson
January 3rd, 2007, 11:16 PM
I got this guy at school who thinks his DVX is the best camera ever. Gimmie some points to tell him that the XH A1 isn't a piece of crap.

Michael Wisniewski
January 3rd, 2007, 11:43 PM
I'll be purchasing an XH A1 myself pretty soon, but the DVX100 still remains a great camcorder and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. If he finds the DVX100 to be the best camera for him, then it's probably the best camera for him.

Holly Rognan
January 4th, 2007, 12:08 AM
Almost every aspect of the A1 is built upon the DVX, but refined and improved. The DVX is the archetype in which the A1 and the H1 were built. The A1 holds nearly every aspect of the DVX, yet does it in High Definition. The only things I can think of, off hand, are that the A1 has that is inferior is a servo lens (but a very nice one, and wider, and longer) a little worse in low light (but cleaner) dynamic range is a little worse and the DVX feels more balanced in hands, and better audio controls and looks really robust and profesional (even though IMO the A1 is built more solid.)

The A1 has HDV, obviously true 16:9, great controls and customization, great lens, very well priced, super clean image, and a super high rez 24f.

I would take the A1 over the DVX any day. I used to own a DVX, but it is starting to show it's age.

When comparing the SD images between these two camcorders, the A1 is more clean and significantly sharper, with a very succinct represention and seperation of colors. The DVX has a more organic, rough, representation of reality and in my opinion has a little more of a filmic look out of the box.

Both are fine camcorders, but the A1 and H1 are whole different breed of camcorders, built upon the success of the DVX and Xl2.

Evan C. King
January 4th, 2007, 12:17 AM
The A1 is essentially canon's attempt at making their own hd dvx, tell him that, a simple guy with a simple mindset deserves a simple answer.

Insung Hwang
January 4th, 2007, 01:07 AM
The DVX is a great camera and had a good run. If you want to stay and exhibit your work on a 13-inch screen or less, you might consider comparing the two. But even if you do, shooting on the A1 (HD res-not SD) and downresing it is still going to look a lot better. Otherwise, if you have any aspirations of putting your work on a larger screen (I don't mean just the theatrical released version) but even on the current crop of High Definition televisions, then you will want to shoot in HD (or higher 2k, 4k, film) and put the DVX into the museum of classic cameras --unless of course, you want to use it as an educational tool, then fantastic. Also remember that in 2008, it will be mandatory for broadcasters to broadcast in HD. Finally, unlike film cameras, whose life will last decades because of its resolution-independent analog format, Standard Def will soon see the graveyard. Bye bye DVX... Hello A1 (for now).

Sorry, I'm not into politically correct answers. Up to a point, the camera that makes you 'happy' is the right camera. But after that, you're just seeing the emperor's clothes. If somebody was handed an A1 and a DVX and they were told that they could only choose one, the person choosing the DVX would be called "ignorant and uninformed."

Tony Tibbetts
January 4th, 2007, 01:53 AM
I got this guy at school who thinks his DVX is the best camera ever.

Well, it isn't, but that really isn't the point.

The A1 provides a cleaner, sharper picture hands down. It's got a longer lens. What else is there to say? The only thing the DVX could possibly come out on top from a technical stand point is that it may have marginally better audio capabilities. "Marginally" being the key word here.

The DVX was an awesome camera for it's time. Unfortunately it's time has nearly come to pass.

Mark my words, there will not be a DVX100C. If anything it will be an updated HD (probably AVCHD based) camera that will sit right between the DVX and the HVX. Panasonic will probably manufacture the DVX for another year...maybe two at the most (thats being generous). They will have to lower the price of the DVX at the very least to keep it on the market.

Steve Wolla
January 4th, 2007, 02:23 AM
I am a long-time Panasonic fan who just recently bought my first Canon cam--an XHA1.

The DVX100b has what must be the most robust build quality of anything in its price range. I mean it can take a lot of physical abuse, owing to its metal construction. Now that is something that I wish the Canon had! The Canon is very good, but...That solid Panny metal construction is quite nice indeed, and should allow the DVX to take more physical punishment than the Canon.

Sadly, that is where the DVx's advantages begin and end. The XHA1 has a lot more picture adjustability, the optics are best in class, even better than Panny's Leica lens from what I have heard. Plus it shoots in hi def for about the same price. That's like getting the ability to shoot HDV for free.

Plus the Canon is native 16:9, whereas the Panny is not. Bummer. For Panny that is. That really will limit cams like the Panny to industrial applications where 16:9 is not a factor. Too many options in good HDV cams that can shoot 16:9 and 24F (or 24P).

That gives the Canon the ability to be used in a wider range of shooting environments than the DVX. THe XHA1 can also shoot 4:3 SD, useful for certain industrial assignments, and then turn around and shoot another project in 16:9 HDV. That's a lot of flexibility, and is the key reason that I got one.

Now if you already have a large investment in Pany batteries, lens accessories, matte boxes, etc....then you may want to stay with Panny, assuming you do not need HD (like a lot of industrial customers). That would be the only case where taking a Panny DVX over a Canon XHA1 would really fly.

Toenis Liivamaegi
January 4th, 2007, 02:36 AM
A1 for me was the first servo-zoom camcorder as I have learned on DVX and use HVX at work too. Sure the first day I shot with A1 the lens felt so servoish that I even had second toughts about it but after few days all my doubts disappeared. A1 is in my oppinion much better in low light than HVX (and can be on-par with DVX when shot with gain in HD and down rezzed to SD) and of course the A1 lens are longer and wider and better stabilized.

A1 has zoom position preset that combined with high speed zoom will give you about 1.5sec zoom-through time for 20X lens. But can you crash-zoom 20x lens?

Also the focus position preset with selectable focusing speed on A1 allows to execute focus pulls so nice that my FF will be used only on DOF adaptor work from now on.

When only fooling around with DVX and A1 the zoom on DVX sure feels better but not so much for practical use.

Oh, I think it is because of the playback buttons cover on top of the handle on A1 that`s why it feels inferior in robustness to DVX, nothing serious tough.


Philip Williams
January 4th, 2007, 05:54 AM
I got this guy at school who thinks his DVX is the best camera ever. Gimmie some points to tell him that the XH A1 isn't a piece of crap.

Which ever camera produces the most important and memorable video is the best one. Seriously, no need to convince him that the XH A1 (or any camera) is better. I suppose you can try to prove that your camera is better by shooting stunning videos that make people go "wow". But that still just proves you're a good videographer.

The spirit of this forum is that the person behind the camera is far more important than the camera in front of the person. Try to take that attitude to school and see if you can get him to look at it that way too. Then he'll stop talking about how great his DVX is and start talking about how good a film maker he is. And then you can start to argue :)

Chris Hurd
January 4th, 2007, 08:19 AM
I got this guy at school who thinks his DVX is the best camera ever. In his hands, it probably is, and he has every right to feel that way.

Gimmie some points to tell him that the XH A1 isn't a piece of crap.You've already received some excellent advice here. The most important thing to understand is that you really need to get your head out of the "my camera is better than yours" argument because it's an incredibly unproductive and unhealthy waste of time. If he's bringing the fight to you and bugging you about your A1, then you need to ignore him and concentrate instead on learning your camera and the craft of making great images with it.

If you're bringing the fight to him and are trying to get him to admit that your gear is better than his, then shame on you, because such Ford vs. Chevy arguments are the hallmark of immaturity. As Insung Hwang points out above, the question shouldn't even come up.

I really don't appreciate these worthless posts about "this guy at school said..." because they indicate that somebody has their heart in the wrong place. Forget about what the guy at school said, his problem isn't your problem, his world isn't your world, and instead you need to be spending every free moment outside of school work either learning your gear, improving your craft or studying excellent examples of filmmaking and videography. What little free time you have left over after all of that, you should spend it talking to as many girls as possible. Find one who is willing to give you the time of day and then just talk to her.

Finally, I'm closing this thread before it goes any further because you've already been given the best advice possible, and questions such as this are more properly suited for High School halls than for DV Info Net. Hope this helps,