Brad Vaughan
January 3rd, 2007, 01:17 AM
File has been removed. Sorry, just can't afford the bandwidth.
Here's a sample of a cool Egret Chillin and Cleaning him/herself at Sunset.
Right Click and Save Target As:
Like I said, this HV10 is some fun stuff!
I know the colors are a little off, but it was getting dark in the woods as the sun was setting fast. However, I love the scene and that's all that matters to me! This is my favorite shot so far.
Lou Bruno
January 3rd, 2007, 01:05 PM
The camera is amazing.....I think it is by far the best home camera I have ever owned.
Here's a sample of a cool Egret Chillin and Cleaning him/herself at Sunset.
Right Click and Save Target As:
Like I said, this HV10 is some fun stuff!
I know the colors are a little off, but it was getting dark in the woods as the sun was setting fast. However, I love the scene and that's all that matters to me! This is my favorite shot so far.
Mark Williams
January 3rd, 2007, 01:53 PM
Brad really nice shot. Upon playback I noticed what appeared to be some minor purple fringing down the sides of the two closest pine trees. Did you see this in the original or is this a product of compression for the web?
Brad Vaughan
January 3rd, 2007, 04:01 PM
Thanks guys! Yeah this camera is nothing short of amazing.
The color issues are from time of day, compression, and editing. I graded it somewhat to bring out the Yellow Orange Sunset Colors in the Sky. It was starting to get dark and we were deep in the woods so the camera was reaching for light anyway it coud get it. The color issues are present in the raw footage, but not as pronounced. The grading really had an affect on the shadows/outlines in the video.
I am truly amazed out how nice the footage still looks after being comressed from the original 103mb footprint! 103mb to 25.5 mb and it still holds up well.
Amazing, simply amazing stuff and in the palm of our hands no less!
Thanks for the replies. It's nice to have people actually take the time to reply.
Anyway, glad you guys liked the clip!
Mike Brown
January 3rd, 2007, 04:17 PM
Looks mighty fine to me. How far away were you from the egret? Near maximum zoom? And, hand held or mechanically supported?
Thanks for the clip.
Ken Ross
January 3rd, 2007, 04:25 PM
Brad, really nice stuff! It never ceases to amaze how good this tiny cam really is!
Brad Vaughan
January 3rd, 2007, 08:39 PM
File removed.
Can't afford to keep it up too long.