View Full Version : 24 Hour Film - we didn't win
Dylan Couper April 2nd, 2003, 07:57 PM Hey people!
As some of you may remember (for those who read every post of every thread) I was in a competition in Vancouver called The 24 Hour Film Constest (or something).
Anyway, we didn't win. If they put the films up on the website in order, it looks like we got 6th or so, which isn't bad out of 19 films.
Here is the website, 24 Hour Film Contest (
Our film was People Dust.
I did some of the camera work (but my best stuff was cut due to the 6 minute time limit, bah), and some of the sound work.
The top 4 films are decent, if you feel like watching them. #3 was shot on 16mm film! And still completed in 24 hours! My favorite was Erato.
One of the main reasons we lost was all the stuff we shot to match their criteria about "Living a life in 24 hours" had to be cut out so our main plot could fit the time limit. It was a fatal error, but the movie would have made no sense otherwise.
Anyway... The ONLY day it snowed this year in Vancouver? We were lucky enough to be out shooting.
Ken Tanaka April 2nd, 2003, 09:13 PM Nice work, Dylan! Tell us more about the production. Cameras, lighting, sounds, all the nitty. Where did the actors come from? (Were you one of the actors...the one with the dark hair and day-old?)
Dylan Couper April 3rd, 2003, 12:01 AM Heh, no. No acting for me... this time... :)
As far as production values go, we had no excuses. Two of our team members work for Paladin Show Services, which is one of the larger lighting/grip rental places in Vancouver. Think major motion picture rental. ANyway, we had access to all their lighting equipment. It was shot on Canon XL1's in widescreen mode. Sennheiser ME66 on a boom for mic.
Warehouse scene:
1 1000w practical mounted overhead
2 600w fresnels
Limo interior
2 KinoFlo flourescent banks.
Outdoor/final scene
2 2000w HMI's
For this scene we use coral filters in the matte boxes, which explains the funky colour.
Of our actors, two were part time professional, the other two not. I didn't produce it, so I'm not sure where they came from. The older actor was also the writer/director.
To point out, the team that finished first also had access to considerable resources, which if you can watch it, is pretty obvious.
Rob Lohman April 3rd, 2003, 07:27 AM I can't seem to find your movie on that site.... That might be due
to the fact that I cannot seem to load the page with all the movies
on it. Do you/anyone have a direct download link to the movie?
Ken Tanaka April 3rd, 2003, 12:15 PM Rob,
The movies are in the Gallery. Try this link (, which pulls the Gallery frame out. (It's worth the effort.)
Charles Papert April 4th, 2003, 01:10 AM Dylan,
I'm weak-kneed imaging how it could be pulled off on 16mm...I've spent some time thinking about how to manage it for Instant Films, which has a 48 hour turn-around (36 hours for actual production once the script is written), and it would be very difficult to do it in that time frame. Wow.
Dylan Couper April 4th, 2003, 01:32 AM Charles, he developped the film in his bathtub I believe, then did a home job telecine for editing in DV. Yeah, I wouldn't want to do it either. To be honest, I didn't care much for their film, the quality of the developping, or anything else about it. But they had balls to do it, and balls go along way!
Charles Papert April 4th, 2003, 01:36 AM A long way indeed. Developed in his bathtub. Now I've heard it all.
Rob Lohman April 4th, 2003, 10:07 AM Looked nice, Dylan! Good work!
Mike Meyerson April 7th, 2003, 10:01 AM dylan...
I enjoyed it, the end was good.
Have you considered re-editing with your footage that was cut?
that must have been stressful trying to get it done that fast. I guess you'd really need that right people on the job.
Dylan Couper April 7th, 2003, 06:52 PM I don't have the footage myself. The director was talking about putting together the full length version for kicks and having a pricate screening.
Bob Benkosky May 3rd, 2003, 02:51 PM The 16mm film looked horrible in my opinion. Crappy 16 doesn't look as good as a great DV cam.
I thought the acting was kinda bad on your film dude. Honestly it made me feel sad. Like, forget angles and stuff, just get better actors. I didn't watch whole movie, couldn't get past the chess scene.
Just my opinion though, don't be mad. Maybe other's thought it was great.
Dylan Couper May 3rd, 2003, 08:04 PM Heh, you aren't the only one that thought the acting was poor, so did the jugdes! :D
Criticism is OK, I wasn't the producer or director and I didn't put the cast together.
The 16mm was bad looking, but you have to give them props. They shot it, developped the film, telecined it, edited it, and printed it back to DV in 24 hours.
John Threat May 4th, 2003, 06:52 AM Shot selection was good. It had film school style lighting, but that was fine.
The acting *REaLLY* blew the drama and timing of what could have been a good punchline. Also, the name of the short, "People Dust" was contrite.
Too bad they didn;t name it, like "THrowing Kitten" or "Off THe Cliff" , or "Last Request"
Jose di Cani November 7th, 2004, 08:14 AM the site doens't let me download it:
The Film Gallery and voting are temporarily unavailable as we perform some brief maintenance.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
Rob Lohman November 7th, 2004, 08:42 AM Jose: this is over 1.5 years old. I'm not surprised the site doesn't
have the movie you are looking for anymore.