View Full Version : Image quality differents btw XH A1 & XL H1

Pablo Lozano
January 2nd, 2007, 03:52 AM
Does anybody check if there is any difference in terms of image quality between XH A1 and XLH1. In theory they have same CCDs, the only difference is the lens. I donīt know the final result.

Steven Fokkinga
January 2nd, 2007, 05:12 PM

There is a good thread about that right here (on another forum):

If anyone here could comment on that, it would be great as well of course...



Barlow Elton
January 3rd, 2007, 09:43 AM
Hi Pablo,

I shot that H1/A1 intercut/multicam test. They are almost absolutely identical, although the lighting and white balance unfortunately was slightly different in the H1 shot compared to the A1. A signifigant difference was simply that the A1 was a bit wider and needed a little more zoom to match framing with both cameras set up about equal distance from the subject.

The A1 and H1 have their own distinct differences in terms of ergonomics and options, but the core image recorded to HDV is very similar.