View Full Version : Upconverting DVD players and home theater

Dylan Couper
January 1st, 2007, 09:46 PM
Are upconverting DVD players worth it over a regular DVD player? I was about to buy one from Best Buy until the salesman told me that I'd barely see any difference, if any (on a 55" HDTV).

Anyone else have an experience or opinion to share?

Also, is an HDMI cable going to make a noticable difference over component cables? Trying to decide whether its worth spending the $100 to upgrade.


Mike Brown
January 7th, 2007, 12:01 PM
Most HDTVs have their own built-in upconversion. If yours does, a DVD player with upconversion would be redundant, unless its upconversion is better quality than the one in the TV monitor.

Boyd Ostroff
January 7th, 2007, 12:23 PM
Personally I'm also skeptical that it makes a difference if you're already using component video. However, I've read some reviews in home theatre magazines which claimed the results were noticeably better. But these were reviews of specific higher end models, and not a general statement about upconverting players.

Dylan Couper
January 7th, 2007, 01:36 PM
Well guys, I went and spent the $130 on a Samsung (model 860 I think) DVD player from Best Buy so I could find out for you.

The answer is...

An upconverting DVD player can make a HUGE difference!

Or at least it did with my TV, which is a 2006 model Hitatchi. My old DVD player was about 3 years old. Either the the upconverting hardware in my TV was just crap, or my old DVD player was crap, but it made a very very noticable difference.

Oh, no difference (by my eye) between HDMI and component cables.

John C. Chu
January 7th, 2007, 08:38 PM
There is a huge discussion about upconverting DVD players over at

For myself, I've enjoyed the legendary DVB-318 from Zenith over two years now---which upconverts over component.

With reference quality DVD's like "Gladiator", "Blackhawk Down" and "Matrix Reloaded"---it gives me near HD quality picture.

I love mine. [I also watch my self made DVDs[with footage from a PDX-10] and it's nice.]

Just don't expect too much--and besides--a upconverting DVD player doesn't cost that much anyway.