View Full Version : Animated Speech Bubbles?

Lars Siden
April 2nd, 2003, 10:35 AM
Hi All,

Running around as a lucky fool filming with my new XM-2 ;-=) ...

Began a new project in Premiere 6.5 in which I will mix video with stills and titles ( a film with our 7 months old daughter as main actor ) - to give the stills more life I'd like to add some speech bubbles with some animation... Maybe they should pulsate like a heart... the "...." could come in one by one etc etc

Question: Are there any good tools for creating this kind of bubbles? I'd be happy to follow some kind of wizards/templates...

Some of our web-guys at work use Adobe Live Motion... could that be something?

Worst case I could manage with some pre-animated GIF:s

Any tips?

Best regards,

A Happy Lazze

George Brackett III
April 2nd, 2003, 12:45 PM
You could just make one up using a transparency in photoshop and use track motion to move (pulse) it slightly....

Lars Siden
April 2nd, 2003, 01:02 PM

Made a 8 frame anim using Photoshop 7 + Imageready.

Worked out rather well, you can download the resulting .mov file here:


When I did this in Photoshop I used "transperent" as background, but when I exported it as a .mov, the background turned white - no good for me since the speechbubble is white... so I made the background a horrible green color that I "easy" could "mask" out in Premiere, suggestions? How do I do this better? Could I somehow preserve the transperancy from Photoshop?

And is it only me who thinks Premiere 6.5 sometimes are a bit tricky about showing the "keyed" material? Sometimes I have to turn "transperany" on / off several times to see it in the monitor window - always works as it should when exporting...

// Lazze

Keith Loh
April 2nd, 2003, 01:36 PM
The speech bubbles are easily done in Flash.