Brad Vaughan
December 30th, 2006, 12:54 AM
Link removed to conserve bandwidth. If anyone is interested in it, let me know and I'll upload it thru a free site or something.
Alright here's my 1st decent compression.
It's ShakyCam footage as I have yet to buy a Tripod.
The original raw footage was 44megs and I compressed this to 13.9 after editing in some filters and I'm pretty impressed with the image quality even after the compression. I'm still messing around with diff compression methods and it seems like I should find that sweet spot soon enough.
Link removed to conserve bandwidth. If anyone is interested in it, let me know and I'll upload it thru a free site or something.
I'll post some more as I get them transferred and edited. Anyway, just wanted to share this.
Alright here's my 1st decent compression.
It's ShakyCam footage as I have yet to buy a Tripod.
The original raw footage was 44megs and I compressed this to 13.9 after editing in some filters and I'm pretty impressed with the image quality even after the compression. I'm still messing around with diff compression methods and it seems like I should find that sweet spot soon enough.
Link removed to conserve bandwidth. If anyone is interested in it, let me know and I'll upload it thru a free site or something.
I'll post some more as I get them transferred and edited. Anyway, just wanted to share this.