View Full Version : Filmmaking Education Video shot with JVC-HD110

Peter John Ross
December 29th, 2006, 07:22 PM
CLICK HERE to see the whole clip from my upcoming educational video series, starting with FAST & SLOW EDITING (

It's a 23 meg WMV file, 640x360

This is aimed towards complete noobs and will be marketed to High School and early colleges for sales with this type of video in a series on DVD.

We shot in HDV with the JVC HD110 camera in both 24P and 30P modes and I edited in Avid Xpress Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 along with some work in After Effects. Mike Tavares was the shooter for me and the BMW was on loan from Buzz Productions. It stars the lovely Brandy Seymour & Micah Jenkins.

Thanks all.
Peter John Ross

Scott Ellifritt
December 29th, 2006, 10:20 PM
Best of success with your marketing and sales.
Noobs take heed!

Stephen L. Noe
December 29th, 2006, 11:55 PM
CLICK HERE to see the whole clip from my upcoming educational video series, starting with FAST & SLOW EDITING (

It's a 23 meg WMV file, 640x360

This is aimed towards complete noobs and will be marketed to High School and early colleges for sales with this type of video in a series on DVD.

We shot in HDV with the JVC HD110 camera in both 24P and 30P modes and I edited in Avid Xpress Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 along with some work in After Effects. Mike Tavares was the shooter for me and the BMW was on loan from Buzz Productions. It stars the lovely Brandy Seymour & Micah Jenkins.

Thanks all.
Peter John Ross
Good luck on your marketing.

On an editing note, the romantic scene (slowed down) was still too fast IMO.



George David
December 30th, 2006, 05:01 PM
PJR, awesome job. When is your target date to finish the project? It looks like a great product.

Peter John Ross
December 30th, 2006, 06:22 PM
Thanks. I shot 3 videos already & I'm going to send those to our Canadian distributor who is going to use them for funding of the whole DVD.