View Full Version : Hyperfocal Distance

Neil Corbett
December 23rd, 2006, 02:45 PM
I was wondering if anyone had a definitive answer on what the hyperfocal distance is on the Z1?

I was told it was 1.4, but I've read it's also 1 metre or 1.5m. I know theres a mathematical formula but I'm rubbish at equations.

Just leading on from this question, if shooting handheld, zoomed it always best to shoot at hyperfocal distance or is it best to zoom in on someone, focus, pull out and then try to keep a similar distance when moving on to other contributors?


Matt Davis
December 26th, 2006, 08:54 AM
I was told it was 1.4, but I've read it's also 1 metre or 1.5m. I know theres a mathematical formula but I'm rubbish at equations.

Ditto, but Received Knowledge says 1.5m at F2.8, the 1m being reserved for the PD150. It was what I was taught, anyway.

Just leading on from this question, if shooting handheld, zoomed it always best to shoot at hyperfocal distance or is it best to zoom in on someone, focus, pull out and then try to keep a similar distance when moving on to other contributors?

Depends on the shooting scenario. If you really won't/can't move off the widest zoom, then Hyperfocal is useful. As soon as you use a different zoom setting, use a standard method - NB I have the footages displayed in the viewfinder so I can get to various 'marks' on a take without relying on zooming in, focussing and zooming out. Two or three checked 'zones' if you will... Easier than shot transitions!