View Full Version : Question about crossgrade to latest FCP

James Carver
December 23rd, 2006, 10:51 AM
i bought FCP Studio 5.0 last November and recently crossgraded to FCP Studio 5.1.2 and i am considering getting a mac laptop and want to install FCP on it once i get it.

my question is, being as they now have intel processors, will i have to install my original FCP 5.0 disk on it first or can i just install the upgrade version of FCP on my mac laptop?

i dont want to have to buy another copy of FCP studio just for my laptop.

Timothy Harry
December 23rd, 2006, 11:03 AM
You will have to install the universal version on the intel mac, and it will not require you to install 5 before you can upgrade. I know you can have it installed on both a laptop and a desktop as long as the programs are not running at the same time. If you have FCP studio running on your laptop and try to start it on your desktop you will run into a message telling you to close FCP Studio on the other computer before it will allow you to continue. I have found that my one license is adequate for my needs, your mileage could vary.

edited because I'm a retard and made a couple of typos....

Rich Dykmans
December 23rd, 2006, 11:03 AM
If you bought the crossgrade I believe you have both versions available, the installer knows what your system needs and will install accordingly. I upgraded from version 4 to the full studio 5.1 and that's how mine worked. You will love FCP running on an Intel MBP.

Rich Dykmans
December 23rd, 2006, 11:08 AM
I misunderstood his question I guess. I guess I've never tried to edit on 2 machines at the same time and I'm not up to speed on the network rendering features available now.

Jeff Chandler
December 23rd, 2006, 01:25 PM
If you have FCP studio running on your laptop and try to start it on your desktop you will run into a message telling you to close FCP Studio on the other computer before it will allow you to continue.
Umm. just curious, how would it know?

Boyd Ostroff
December 23rd, 2006, 01:37 PM
Obviously the two machines would need to be connected to a LAN...

Jeff Chandler
December 23rd, 2006, 01:49 PM
Got it. I thought maybe Apple had discovered some new wizardry that I was unaware of!

James Carver
December 23rd, 2006, 02:38 PM
thanx guys, and no i dont want to have it running simultaneously on two different machines. i was just wondering if my crossgrade software is all that's needed if i try and install it on a new mac laptop.