View Full Version : Shot transition feature?

Brian Standing
December 21st, 2006, 03:22 PM
I was reading about this feature in the owner's manual (thanks, Spot, for posting this in the sticky above!) Basically sounds like a way to "script" a complex, evolving shot, using programmable settings for rack focus, zoom, iris and other settings.

In the words of my six-year-old, "Keeeewwwwwwlllll!"

Anyone had a chance to play with this, yet? Does it work as advertised?

Todd Giglio
December 21st, 2006, 03:38 PM
This feature is also on the Z1U and does work as advertised. I used it plenty for estabishing shots for weddings. Very nice.


Alex Leith
December 21st, 2006, 04:56 PM
The shot transition feature (if it is the same as the Z1) is almost like having someone to pull focus for you.

You can set your starting shot and ending shot, hit the button and all you have to do is move the tripod. Really professional looking moves, racks, zooms. It really is one of the best features, and one I severely miss on my Canon A1.

I hope they've retained the two settings, on the Z1 you can swap between two different stored shots - great for switching between a wide and a close on interviews.

Tony Tremble
December 21st, 2006, 05:04 PM
I wish the remote commander could be used to start the transition thus avoiding any chance of shake especially on a long zoom.


Alex Leith
December 21st, 2006, 05:37 PM
I always wondered why camera manufacturers continue to support LANC, when a USB camera remote could potentially support so many more functions.

You're right - a remote shot transition button would be "heaven".

Steve Mullen
December 21st, 2006, 05:58 PM
I wish the remote commander could be used to start the transition thus avoiding any chance of shake especially on a long zoom.


Chris -- can we start a sticky of desired improvements. This one really is critical. I don't have a remote with my prototype, but are owners of the new one sure no button will work as a trigger.

I want:

1) the Zoom ring to also be capable of Exposure or at least Iris control -- like the Canon A1.

2) a small orange tick on the histogram at 100IRE that's always on.

3) E1 and E2 modes where you CAN set shutter-speed.

4) Color temp adjustment on INDOOR, not just OUTDOOR.

5) Ability to snap photos in 24p and 30p.

Chris Medico
December 22nd, 2006, 10:26 AM
I played with the shot transition feature some last night. I love what it does for sure.

A question I have is why did they make the minimum time 3.5sec?

Obviously the camera can move faster than that.

This feature would be GREAT (in my application) to set a focus and zoom point down a straight on a track waiting for a car to come into view and then follow it manually. 3.5 seconds is way too long to wait for the camera to reset though.

I also think it would make for a nice effect if the camera could be set to literally SNAP between two defined focus points.

Am I thinking right here?

Alex Leith
December 22nd, 2006, 10:43 AM
Once nice advantage of the Z1's weird zoom ring system...

You could frame wide, click the zoom button across to "lever", and then crank the zoom ring all the way in. When you click the zoom button back to "ring" the camera snap zooms from your current position to the zoom ring setting.

I've used that and the shot transition to get four preset shots in a sequence:

Shot 1 - starting shot
Shot 2 - zoom button across to "ring" for a snap zoom to the zoom ring position.
Shot 3 - hit transition button A to get first programmed shot.
Shot 4 - hit transition button B to get second programmed shot.