Bjørn Sørensen
March 31st, 2003, 07:57 AM
How good is the standard ECM-NV1 microphone delivered with the PDX10 compared to most built-in mics?
View Full Version : PDX10 std. microphone Bjørn Sørensen March 31st, 2003, 07:57 AM How good is the standard ECM-NV1 microphone delivered with the PDX10 compared to most built-in mics? Jan Roovers March 31st, 2003, 06:43 PM i have some samples at my site to listen: <a href="" target=_blank></a> What do you think? Jan Roovers Bjørn Sørensen April 1st, 2003, 06:20 AM Jan, very interesting site for investigating the PDX10. I just had a look at some of your samples but could only view the real-player examples, since I use Mac OSX and your Windows Media clips don't play with WMP7 (WMP 9 is not yet available for Mac). I saw a special accessory at your links section, the warmcards, do you use them? Jan Roovers April 2nd, 2003, 12:54 PM Bjørn, 1. I don't have a Mac so it is good to know that you cannot seethe movies. I thought so because of the special site for Macintosch on MS: They don't sya which version is for Mac. I thought the Win Media player would automatically download the needed codec. 2. I don't use the warmcards myself. Till sofar I didn't need them. 3. Did you hear the church-video with the build-in mics? did you like it? I came from outside and my fingers where frozen and i did not have a tripod with me and the cam was new to me. That can be seen:~). But the scene was so cute that i could not resist to place the video. Erik J Na April 16th, 2003, 01:09 AM Jan, question about the church video clip in your site. did u use built-in stereo mic or the mic (ECM-NV1) came with ur pdx10? just wondering. ^-^ Jan Roovers April 16th, 2003, 03:21 AM Erik, Yes I did use the build-in stereo-mics. They perform very well as you can hear. (The sound on the Internet is with FM quality - no CD-quality!) The stdrd unidirection-mic is even better. I was walking around and accidently found the choir exercising in the Church for Christmas. It was very cold, I had froozen fingers and no tripod. The cam was totaly new to me, so I had difficults to find the right buttons and no good grip on the cam yet, which obviously can be seen. I used the pews to fix the cam a bit. But the scene was so cool! They had only 2 days left to go and perform better :-) ^_^ |