View Full Version : V1e Clips

Tony Tremble
December 18th, 2006, 04:59 PM
Clip1, Sunset (26MB) - H264,1280x720P deinterlaced from 1080i50.

Clip2, Lighthouse, Fishermen, Zoom out (Shows the incredible reach of the lens) (99MB) - Compression as before.

Clip3, Fog bank rolling off The Ridgeway into farm land below, mid morning. (90MB) Same compression.

The compression reduces the 3D effect of the V1 images. The fence post in the first scene stands out much more when viewing the original than the QT. Switching between QT and FCP has proven to me the 3D effect is real.
Settings for Clip3, Sharpness 3, CineGamme type1, Cinematone colour ON, Black Compress. All other PP settings default.


Dominic Jones
December 18th, 2006, 05:19 PM
That's lovely mate, thanks for sharing - great colour, as you say that lovely lack of v smear and the latitude and highlight handling really shines in that clip too... Very exciting...

Looking forward to more clips!

Tony Tremble
December 18th, 2006, 06:00 PM
The QT is a little down in saturation and soft compared to the original.

It's just so easy to get a great image out of this camera.

Dominic, I'm just down the coast from you in Dorset. Work in London but still call Dorset home.


Dominic Jones
December 18th, 2006, 06:32 PM
Ah, I did wonder, having noticed you were from the UK - my housemate's just down in Devon as I type, actually, visiting family and friends!

Thanks again for all your efforts over the last week or so, you should be charging Sony commission...

Ray Bell
December 18th, 2006, 07:17 PM
Tony, the footage looks great... thanx for posting

Sean Woods
December 18th, 2006, 10:25 PM
Very nice indeed.

C.S. Michael
December 18th, 2006, 10:38 PM
Wow - beautiful clip. Thanks for sharing! I'm popping popcorn in anticipation of V1 footage this week. :-)

Tony Tremble
December 19th, 2006, 02:11 AM
Another link added.

Kristin Stewart
December 19th, 2006, 05:36 AM
Thanks Tony for your clips. Great work !

Ken Ross
December 19th, 2006, 08:07 AM
Tony, one thing I've noticed with all the FX7s I've played with (including the one I own), is edge enhancement. I didn't see any evidence of that in your shots. I'm now talking about the U.S. model in interlaced mode. It is particularly obvious with things such as wires against a sky or any hard edged object against the sky or other flat background. It appears the default sharpness setting is 7, but I've tried lowering it to the point where the EE almost disappears. The problem with that is that the video then becomes soft at that greatly reduced sharpness setting.

Now I'm not saying that the EE is apparent in all videos, but when it's there it's obvious. Ironically my little Canon HV10 HDV cam is almost devoid of this issue. Any thoughts?

Tony Tremble
December 19th, 2006, 09:24 AM

I set the sharpness down to 3 which, for me, gives a more natural look at a cost of a bit of faux resolution. Sharpness at 7 is way too edgy for my taste and at 15 it looks down right ugly.

I don't know why the HV10 is devoid of the issue other than to say it is an extraordinarily good camera. In know very little of the HV10 specification wise but have heard v.good reports.

More clips coming...


Ing Poh Hii
December 20th, 2006, 02:47 AM
Hi Tony, It's very beautiful shot, thanks a lot for sharing.

A quick question, do you think FX7 can produce the same quality of picture you have made ? since it is 50i, I wonder any V1-only-feature has been used to make these clips ?

Many thanks~

Tony Tremble
December 20th, 2006, 03:28 AM
Hi Tony, It's very beautiful shot, thanks a lot for sharing.

A quick question, do you think FX7 can produce the same quality of picture you have made ? since it is 50i, I wonder any V1-only-feature has been used to make these clips ?

Many thanks~

Hiya, glad people like the clips.

I used cinematone colour, cine gamma, black compensation and knee point adjustements in the clips not all at the same time. Which, I understand, you don't get on the FX7.

I'd need to go through my notes as to which clips had which setting applied.


Ing Poh Hii
December 20th, 2006, 04:49 AM
I used cinematone colour, cine gamma, black compensation and knee point adjustements in the clips not all at the same time. Which, I understand, you don't get on the FX7.

urh!! If Canon makes FX7, just like A1 vs G1, there shouldn't be any different in term of firmware feature... obviously FX7 is out of consideration if I want feature above...

I'd need to go through my notes as to which clips had which setting applied.

Thanks a lot in advanced :-), you must have spent a lot of them on this shot. by the way, during the shooting, does the LCD & ViewFinder look identical or similar to the final output ?

Another question, out of the thread, do you know whether V1 provides 16:9 HDV edge-cut downconvert to 4:3 DV ? It is from Z1, but I couldn't find it from V1 manual. Basically the output retains the scale of the picture but cut out only the edge of 16:9 to 4:3, no black bar no stretch.

Tony Tremble
December 20th, 2006, 05:34 AM
urh!! If Canon makes FX7, just like A1 vs G1, there shouldn't be any different in term of firmware feature... obviously FX7 is out of consideration if I want feature above...

Thanks a lot in advanced :-), you must have spent a lot of them on this shot. by the way, during the shooting, does the LCD & ViewFinder look identical or similar to the final output ?

Another question, out of the thread, do you know whether V1 provides 16:9 HDV edge-cut downconvert to 4:3 DV ? It is from Z1, but I couldn't find it from V1 manual. Basically the output retains the scale of the picture but cut out only the edge of 16:9 to 4:3, no black bar no stretch.

Yes the LCD and viewfinder do look reasonably close to final output as I see it on my laptop LCD and Dell 24" display. I have not seen the images I have captured on a calibrated production monitor so cannot comment further. To be completely honest I just checked before answering as it's something I hadn't even considered. I really only consider the LCD & VF for framing and use the excellent monitoring tools (allscan, expanded focus, histogram, zebras & peaking) to ensure I get a good image. The shear size and the ability to have all the monitoring tools active while shooting was a big plus point in favour of the Sony over than Canon. The V1's LCD makes my PD150's LCD screen look like a postage stamp in comparison.

As far as the down convert to DV it doesn't look like it post boxes the dv from the manual. It is a function I have not used nor likely to sorry.


Ing Poh Hii
December 20th, 2006, 07:07 AM
Thanks a lot again Tony, points well taken :-).

I do need 16:9 edge-cut DV output... shame V1 doesn't have it since the Z1 has it and they both are considered the same ranked sony professional camcorder. It is actually very useful for people with SD deck or like the majority of my customers here still watch 4:3 TV.


Ken Ross
December 20th, 2006, 07:37 AM
Hi Tony, It's very beautiful shot, thanks a lot for sharing.

A quick question, do you think FX7 can produce the same quality of picture you have made ? since it is 50i, I wonder any V1-only-feature has been used to make these clips ?

Many thanks~

The FX7 does have cinematone gamma. I've used that with night scenes which effectively cuts noise and raises color saturation. You also have the ability to individually set color phase, color level, skintone detail, contrast enhancement, sharpness and other picture parameters with the FX7. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes, you can reproduce Tony's beautiful shots or at the very least get extremely close. I can't guarantee you you'll have Tony's artistic ability, but that's a subject for another thread. :)

One point I might disagree a bit with Tony, is that of the LCD/VF accuracy. Every one of these cameras I've picked up appear to have the LCD brightness set too low and the color level too low. These can be corrected, but I've also found the LCD to be too blue for which there is no correction on either the FX7 or V1. I've compared live output on both the LCD & VF to my calibrated 50" plasma and the color is simply more natural on the plasma screen than shows on the LCD or VF. I've made mental notes of this and know not to be alarmed when the LCD looks too cool. As Tony mentioned, I use the LCD or VF more for framing and use other tools to ensure the picture is correct.

Tony Tremble
December 20th, 2006, 09:17 AM
The FX7 does have cinematone gamma. I've used that with night scenes which effectively cuts noise and raises color saturation. You also have the ability to individually set color phase, color level, skintone detail, contrast enhancement, sharpness and other picture parameters with the FX7. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes, you can reproduce Tony's beautiful shots or at the very least get extremely close. I can't guarantee you you'll have Tony's artistic ability, but that's a subject for another thread. :)

Wow, steady on Ken! Glad you like the images from a great camera of a beautiful area of the UK. I can't take too much credit but thanks for your kind words. :)

I want to get some clips with a lot movement to test out the HDV encoder. I am praying for wind as we have a huge sailing, windsurfing and kite boarding community here. Should make for a good motion test.

I'll also capture a couple of low-light clips to show there is absolutely no lack of low light ability with this camera.


Ing Poh Hii
December 20th, 2006, 12:45 PM
Thank you Ken & Tony,

Look like I have to visit a shop which has FX7, V1 & A1 all turn on ready for me to play around... another thread on this forum suggesting a real good V1 will only be available by June 2007, that is scaring news.. (or scandal business practise!!) can't believe Sony would do thing like that. So the choice is really between FX7 & A1 then.. should be handy to make a decision when I can try out before paying.. any shop at London or Reading you would recommend ?

And surely I won't be as skillful as Tony but at least I don't want my new gear is too bad from what Tony have :-].


Steve Mullen
December 20th, 2006, 01:24 PM

I set the sharpness down to 3 which, for me, gives a more natural look at a cost of a bit of faux resolution. Sharpness at 7 is way too edgy for my taste and at 15 it looks down right ugly.

When I look at my I vs P images, I really do see a "clearer" pix from I and a softer from P. Why? I really don't know.

I video does come from two 960x1080 captures while P comes from 1 -- so maybe I naturally starts with more information.

So IF one wants a softer look with P -- it may come naturally. Could you, or others, test to see if your preference for 3 is the same for P and I. Perhaps there will be different settings for I and P.

I used 5 because that was the Sony Cine default. I worry that at "3" you might be removing detail you will need by gen 3 or 5.

Also, the sharpness setting of the monitor is critical.

And so MAY be HDMI vs Component.

Andrew Ott
December 20th, 2006, 01:29 PM
How is everybody else DLing these?

I downloaded one through the rapidshare thing (which seems like they try to make it so you can't download it), but since I am not a member I have to wait 30 minutes before I can download another file.

Dominic Jones
December 20th, 2006, 01:35 PM
So IF one wants a softer look with P -- it may come naturally.
Sony may have set the DSP differently for the P modes, as most people shooting P are going for a more "filmic" look and generally turn their sharpness down anyway - it wouldn't be a bad call if they have, imo.

If that is the case, it might lead to some users seriously over-softening their settings using settings carried over from previous cameras though...

Ken Ross
December 20th, 2006, 01:45 PM
When I look at my I vs P images, I really do see a "clearer" pix from I and a softer from P. Why? I really don't know.

I video does come from two 960x1080 captures while P comes from 1 -- so maybe I naturally starts with more information.

So IF one wants a softer look with P -- it may come naturally. Could you, or others, test to see if your preference for 3 is the same for P and I. Perhaps there will be different settings for I and P.

I used 5 because that was the Sony Cine default. I worry that at "3" you might be removing detail you will need by gen 3 or 5.

Also, the sharpness setting of the monitor is critical.

And so MAY be HDMI vs Component.

Steve, I do find that 3 is a bit soft even in the I mode. I do understand what Tony is saying by "Faux" sharpness, but I find that below a certain point you may be removing real detail. A scene with grass shows every blade of grass @ a sharpness of "7", but as you begin to reduce sharpness, you do lose the ability to see each distinct blade of grass. The EE I spoke of is not visible in most scenes, but when it's there it is pretty obvious. Sony has always been very aggressive in the EE department. Your "5" might be a better compromise.

Dominic Jones
December 20th, 2006, 02:53 PM
I think it's worth bearing in mind in these conversations that EE/sharpening can always be added in post, but not removed.

It's better to shoot a little soft and sharpen to taste, imho - especially when shooting chroma key footage...

That said, I'm sure everyone will have their own theories on the best approach - that's no bad thing, as it's these little differences that lead to different styles!

Tony Tremble
December 20th, 2006, 03:15 PM
0 sharpening, 24/25P, plus type 2 cine gamma and cinematone colour will have a very, er, ffff....., er, non video look about it. :)

I am thankful we finally have a camera that has such a high native resolution we have a choice of what sharpening level to apply. I am all too familiar with the too much or not enough choice we were previously treated to. :)


Steve Mullen
December 20th, 2006, 03:32 PM
A scene with grass shows every blade of grass @ a sharpness of "7", but as you begin to reduce sharpness, you do lose the ability to see each distinct blade of grass. The EE I spoke of is not visible in most scenes, but when it's there it is pretty obvious. Sony has always been very aggressive in the EE department. Your "5" might be a better compromise.

I'm going to leave it at "7" for video as I want every blade visible. My concern is in P. It's interesting that folks say the want their video to be softer, yet when I posted P at 5 and I at 5 -- they didn't see the softer as more filimic. They saw it as soft.

So do folks REALLY want soft or have they learned they should want it soft?

Rick Hensley
December 20th, 2006, 03:56 PM
Tom's tests have shown that the Canon A1 in 24f automatically has a 10% lower resolution.

Ruben Senderey
December 20th, 2006, 04:29 PM
Clip1, Sunset (26MB) - H264,1280x720P deinterlaced from 1080i50.

Clip2, Lighthouse, Fishermen, Zoom out (Shows the incredible reach of the lens) (99MB) - Compression as before.

Clip3, Fog bank rolling off The Ridgeway into farm land below, mid morning. (90MB) Same compression.

The compression reduces the 3D effect of the V1 images. The fence post in the first scene stands out much more when viewing the original than the QT. Switching between QT and FCP has proven to me the 3D effect is real.
Settings for Clip3, Sharpness 3, CineGamme type1, Cinematone colour ON, Black Compress. All other PP settings default.


Ray Bell
December 20th, 2006, 05:42 PM
Click on one of the links Tony has set up.
When the web page loads, navigate into the chart and click on " free "

Another web page will load, Now navigate down and you should see a counter clicking off around the center of the page....

after the counter is finished then another web page will load, navigate down and you will see a scrambled mess of numbers and letters...

pick out the highlighted ones and enter them into the box

now just hit the enter key... it should start to download....

you can't download all three at one time...

Hope this helps...

PITA it is, buts its free...

Thomas Smet
December 21st, 2006, 08:51 AM
When I use MSN the clips will not work and the rapidshare website tells me that the limit has been reached for the downloads. If you also use MSN try to just use the normal Internet Explorer and it should work.