View Full Version : HDV: still have problems now? HDV for film out/transfers?

Ronald Lee
December 18th, 2006, 03:35 PM

When HDV first came out, people were all jazzed that this would be the poor man's way to make 'hollywood' films. Of course, when people started using it, the immediate results were poor and many a dissapointed face held an HDV camera.

Such issues, as I recall, included artifacting in the blacks, a change in time code when re-rendering clips, and very lossy compression.

However, now that HDV has been out for a while, have these issues been solved? Either in the camera itself, of with better codecs or plugins for the editing software?

Does anyone have current real word experience?

Also, has anyone tried to do a film transfer of HDV to 35mm? If so, how was the process and the results?



Nathan Brendan Masters
December 19th, 2006, 03:45 AM
I've seen the JVC to film transfer. It was excellent. As far the problems with HDV, I assume they were solved considering how everyone's clamoring for these new cams. People are shooting with them and are loving it so it must be working out okay. I'm looking to get one soon. And I haven't any of these complaints recently


Ronald Lee
December 22nd, 2006, 01:56 AM
Hi Nate, thanks for the reply. Can you tell me more about the film transfer? Can you put me in touch with the company that did it and perhapst the filmmakers, as I'd like to ask about their camera settings and how easy/hard it turned out to be.



Chris Hurd
December 22nd, 2006, 02:29 AM
Read all about it at (free registration required for access).

See HDV to 35mm Film Transfer Tests With The JVC HD100 ( by John Jackman.

The primary issue with HDV to film isn't a matter of quality (HDV is more than adequate), but cost ($40,000 to $60,000 for a feature length film-out). Hope this helps,