Chris Li
December 18th, 2006, 09:40 AM
Both Sony Z1 and A1 use proprietary AV out cables. Just wondering if the cameras use the same special cable . I've got a multi camera shoot coming up and they're all Z1's except for the lone A1.
I already know the cameras use different batteries/chargers. I need to run sd monitors from all the cameras AV out.
Supposedly the A1 footage looks/matches the Z1 in outdoor light where no gain is employed.
I hope so : )
chris/DC metro DP
Boyd Ostroff
December 18th, 2006, 10:35 AM
All I have is a Z1, but the A/V cable isn't really what I would call "proprietary." They use a 1/8" mini-plug which splits out to the usual red-white-yellow RCA plugs for the two stereo channels and composite video. I have seen cables like these on camcorders from several companies. We have a 10 year old Sharp Hi-8 camera at work which uses the exact same cable in fact.
Now the component video cable is certainly proprietary however....
Phil Bloom
December 18th, 2006, 01:59 PM
sorry. completely different cables
John Jay
December 18th, 2006, 02:03 PM
Both Sony Z1 and A1 use proprietary AV out cables. Just wondering if the cameras use the same special cable . I've got a multi camera shoot coming up and they're all Z1's except for the lone A1.
I already know the cameras use different batteries/chargers. I need to run sd monitors from all the cameras AV out.
Supposedly the A1 footage looks/matches the Z1 in outdoor light where no gain is employed.
I hope so : )
chris/DC metro DP
Z1/A1 use identical component yuv cables
Z1 composite uses what Boyd described
Z1 S-video is a mini DIN
A1 composite / S video is a special
Download the A1 manual if you need a peek
Chris Li
December 18th, 2006, 04:08 PM
We have a winner. Phil & John are correct. The AV cables are not interchangable between the Z1 & the A1 even though they're in the same family.
Z1 does indeed use a fairly common 1/8" miniplug , whereas the A1 unfortunately uses a propriatary plug.
Too bad. That and the non interchangable batteries will slow me down a little as I cannot just mix 'n match accessories.
Thanks guys.
Andrew Farrell
December 18th, 2006, 05:53 PM
Download the A1 manual if you need a peek
Where can I find one?
John Jay
December 19th, 2006, 09:52 AM
Where can I find one?
Through an amazing act of convergence and similitude you can find it here