View Full Version : Slow Mo Clips

Fergus Anderson
December 16th, 2006, 12:30 PM
Hi all

I have a made a few Slo mo clips at half and quarter speed using vegas

If anyone is interested I can post the m2t's or 720p wmv's on filefactory (unless anyone has anywhere to host the files?)

Lee Wilson
December 16th, 2006, 07:05 PM
My eyes are waiting.....

Fergus Anderson
December 17th, 2006, 04:04 AM
here you go:

I have zipped up the 4 clips.
They are 720p WMV but you also loose smoothness/sharpnes going slower than half speed.

I think the half speed results are prety good (it was a windy day so in real the hair was going very fast!) you definitely see jerkiness at 1/4 speed

See what you think
(sorry for the unsteady cam!)

Marcus Marchesseault
December 17th, 2006, 04:31 AM
It looks like the quarter-speed "waves" video was stretched vertically.

That's not a bad-looking image from that camera! I like it's color in the sky mixed with the grey of the stones on the beach. How did you achieve the slo-mo? Is it just a simple speed reduction in Vegas?

Fergus Anderson
December 17th, 2006, 07:04 AM
I didnt stretch the video vertically?

The waves clips were shot at 120 shutter speed (which helps I think) and the other at 50 at full telephoto which gave the depth of field.

The video is ungraded - colours were as they were recorded (the light was nice that afternoon!)

I set the project properites to 50p (even though the video is 50i) and used the time stretch function (ctrl and drag) then rendered to m2t 1080p and later wm9 720p Also right clicked on the clip to select properties then chose "smart resample" which I think is motion based

I'm sure there are more sophisticated waves of interpolating frames for slo mo but this was a quick and dirty method which seemed to work ok - just wondered what you guys though and if there is a better method that I have missed?


Kevin Samborn
December 18th, 2006, 07:29 AM
Hi Fergus-

I have to ask... how long did it take you to edit these short clips, including the various rendering times? And, what kind of computer set up do you have?


Fergus Anderson
December 18th, 2006, 11:14 AM
Hi Kevin

Seriously didnt take long.

I took the original m2ts - just could out the few seconds I was interested and pasted onto a new track - didnt bother with transition - and that was it. Took a minute or so to change the prpject properties and stretch the video etc.

I then rendered to wm9 720p which took about 3 mins for the half speed and 4-5 mins for the quarter speed. (longer for the super slow clips)

I have a humble old P4 2.8 with 1GB ram and Radeon 9800 pro viewed on a sony FW900 24 inch CRT monitor at 1920x1200 75hz