Paul Jefferies
December 15th, 2006, 07:29 PM
I was thinking today about some of the pearls of wisdom that I've heard down the years whenever a new technology comes out. These include:
"It'll never be as good as Beta-SP"
"You can't edit DV footage"
"FIlms will always be shot on Film"
(plus of course "Film will be dead in 5 years" - this was sometime around 1990)
"LCD screens will never be good resolution"
"DV is not good enough for broadcast"
"HD will always have to be edited on tape, as computers will never be fast enough"
Of course you may consider some of these to be true... but I'd like to hear others
I was thinking today about some of the pearls of wisdom that I've heard down the years whenever a new technology comes out. These include:
"It'll never be as good as Beta-SP"
"You can't edit DV footage"
"FIlms will always be shot on Film"
(plus of course "Film will be dead in 5 years" - this was sometime around 1990)
"LCD screens will never be good resolution"
"DV is not good enough for broadcast"
"HD will always have to be edited on tape, as computers will never be fast enough"
Of course you may consider some of these to be true... but I'd like to hear others