Wayne Johnson
December 13th, 2006, 04:30 PM
Does anyone know how the video codec used by Windows Media Player gets established for a given file? I think I've traced the problem of my NTSC 4x3 Centered HDLink output problem to the fact that Media Player lists its video codec as "Cineform (Adobe) HD Decoder". I'm guessing that it is playing my 720x486 from HDLink using a 1.33 horizontal pixel aspect ratio. A true DV file is instead listed as using "DV Video Decoder".
I wouldn't care that Media Player is warping my videos, but these same files cannot be used by my DVD burner (Ulead DVD Movie Factory). It reports them as "not accessible", and I'm further guessing it has to do with the video codec associated with them.
I did a search in the Registry, but it was all Greek to me.
David Newman
December 13th, 2006, 05:27 PM
You Aspect HD codecs aren't installed or registered. "Cineform (Adobe) HD Decoder" is the free and very old decoder Adobe shipped with 1.5.1, you don't what to be using that. Make sure you have a "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CineForm\CFDecode2.ax", if you do, from the Start Menu -> Run launch this command
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\CineForm\CFDecode2.ax"
Or uninstall then reinstall Aspect HD.
Wayne Johnson
December 14th, 2006, 09:55 AM
You nailed it! It was MISSING. Fixed my aspect ratio problem in Media Player and the inability of Windows Explorer to show thumbnails of Cineform intermediate files.
Funny thing, it was restored by the UN-install of AspectHD (using Setup-Download.exe). Thanks ever so much! It's back to editing!
Thanks Again,
Steven Gotz
December 14th, 2006, 10:34 AM
Isn't it great having David hanging out around here? Where else do you get support from a company CTO?
Wayne Johnson
December 14th, 2006, 03:23 PM
You're absolutely right, Steven! I used to be disappointed with the stability of HDLink, but it has gotten a lot better. Then add the fact that I'm saving $1000s by not having to upgrade my computer to do HD editing and I couldn't be happier. If only Adobe had support like this!
Steven Gotz
December 14th, 2006, 04:09 PM
You would be shocked to see what I can do with Aspect HD on my new Dual Core system with RAID0 video drive. If it works with my old Pentium 4 3GHz, can you imagine my Dual Core? Life is sweet!