View Full Version : HDV DTD problems

Brent Graham
December 12th, 2006, 06:00 PM
Okay so the only way I enjoy working with HDV originated footage is with the cineform intermediate codec.

But even if I capture onto a DTD unit like the Firestore or Citidisk or someday maybe the Bella Corp. Catapault - I'll still have to upload through cineform converter!!!

This means that DTD doesn't save HDV users any time, only head wear.

Too bad cineform doesn't join up with Focus and make a DTD that records realtime into cineform intermediate...hmmm.

Danny Fye
December 15th, 2006, 08:00 PM
"Too bad cineform doesn't join up with Focus and make a DTD that records realtime into cineform intermediate...hmmm."

Problem is, the much larger file size would significantly reduce the amount of available recording time.

Now that I am using Vegas 7.0C I no longer need the cineform itermediate. Even so, the .m2t files from the FX-4 HD don't work correctly with Vegas 7 or Vegas 6 and they won't convert correctly with Cineform ConnectHD HDLink.

For the time being and as far as my system is concerned there are no tapless solutions for HDV unless I use Vegas to capture with notebook computers and carry extra external hard drives with me. Using two camers, that would be a problem because there would be too much equipment to carry.

Danny Fye