View Full Version : Digital 8 --> PC --> DVD quality issues

Mike Catalfamo
December 9th, 2006, 07:25 AM
I have a Sony Digital 8 camcorder with video that I would like to transfer to my PC for editing and later burn to a DVD. I have been successful in my connecting the camcorder to the computer via, however my issues has been quality. Even when recording the video onto the computer using Windows Movie Maker on the highest setting, what I get would not be suitable for a DVD being watched on a large screen TV.

Is it my choice of software (WMM) or is it simply a limitation of the camcorder type (Digital 8)?

Thank you in advance for any assistance.
-Mike Catalfamo

Chris Barcellos
December 9th, 2006, 12:29 PM
Try down loading the Free Avid editor for basic capture and editing as a starter, to see if the Windows Movie maker is the problem. Remember, you want to capture everything in an .avi format for maximum quality. Digital 8 in terms of digital information is the same as MiniDV and capture to the .avi DV format. is the site for the free video editor.

I started learing about Digital production using a Digital 8 camera. The cameras were okay, and in good lighting, and with care can provide you with a decent video image. You should not expect XL2 or PD 170 results in your footage, so it is a limitation in your tool similar to what everyone deals with.

I have an FX1, that I would like to look like a Canon XL1H, but I work with what I have....