View Full Version : Moment to Express Appreciation to DVInfoNet and all Involved
Chris Barcellos December 8th, 2006, 12:40 PM I have now been a member of this Board for a little over a year. This is the first "board" I have ever joined. In that year, I have taken advantage of opportunities offered here to learn a craft that is new to me. I consider the involvement here as my only access to "film school" given my circumstances. I find it unbelilevable that I could have access to and learn from people who are leaders and innovators in the field of video production, and I am sure with all of the things I have been exposed to here, that I am learning up to the minute techniques and processes that aren't being taught in other places....
To Chris Hurd, all the moderators, and contributors thank you for your tireless efforts, and contributions--- and above all, the patience that has been show with me !!
And to all others reading this thread, maybe this is a good time of year to Post your appreciative thoughts too !
Rob Lohman December 8th, 2006, 01:47 PM Thanks Chris, that's always much appreciated!
Enjoy your stay!
Michael Brady December 8th, 2006, 06:31 PM I agree 100% this is a great site with good people willing to help those who have little knowledge.
Thanks to all who have helped me & others in our quest for knowledge.
John McCully December 8th, 2006, 10:46 PM I'll drink to that!
Ken Diewert December 10th, 2006, 11:48 PM Chris,
Nice thoughts. I joined the board 9 months ago and have found it to be a daily ritual (possible addiction). I did go to film school but that was 15 years ago. I just got back into DV after about 6 years away from serious stuff. I'd be absolutely screwed without this board. The level of expertise of the active participants is really phenomenal.
I live on an Island (literally), so access to pro level services is very limited.
Thanks Chris, and the mooderators (typo, but I like it), and to all the active participants!
Walter J Walsh December 11th, 2006, 11:51 AM I also have to agree. This is one of the few places I check every day. The open exchange of information and knowledge is amazing. I have learned a tremendous amount from every one here.
Steven Hoffman December 11th, 2006, 12:44 PM Thanks Everyone, I knew nothing a few months ago, and now I'm knowlegdeable enough to get by.
This board is also one of the few that contains mature people
... until people debate formats... =)
Mike Horrigan December 12th, 2006, 11:42 AM I'll drink to that!
Great site guys. Good bunch of people as well.
Michael Knight December 13th, 2006, 01:14 AM I'd also like to add my thoughtsd of appreciastion.
Coming out of retirement (so to speak) to discover the world has changed from the horse and buggy to superliners was a bit of a challenge...but then I came across a forum where there are superliner pilots prepared to help me learn how to fly:-)
Michael Knight.
(Let's hope some of my own input is helpful to others as well).
Brendan Marnell December 13th, 2006, 04:55 AM Two years ago I joined up freely
Had not a clue
How little I knew
Now it's obvious really
Tony Claxton December 13th, 2006, 01:42 PM I'm not exactly new to video (just personal filming), but I am very new to editing.
I purchased a GL2 a few months ago and have enjoyed reading past posts and working my way up to the new ones in the "Son of Watchdog" area that covers GL2s. The knowledge I've gained from just that is priceless.
I can't begin to imagine the time and dedication it takes to keep something like DV Info up and running. Not to mention all the time involved making sure the forums are staying on topic and not spilling over (too much) into off topic areas.
To Chris Hurd and all the moderators that patrol the forums and keep the site working well I want to say a big T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
It's such a pleasure to feel that I'm among a group of adults on an internet forum. That's something that doesn't happen every day!
Bob Hart December 14th, 2006, 12:17 AM Yes. - A very definite endorsement of the appreciation expressed in the first post and subsequent in this thread.
Having access to people who know their stuff and are willing to freely share what they know, I have really appreciated.
(I hope in my own turn I haven't caused anyone to go down a dead-end with any comment I have made on anything technical.)
Jesse Redman December 14th, 2006, 02:37 PM Although I'm involved in many professional and personal activities, DVi is the one and only site I make a point to visit every day. I learn something new every day and I almost always find something entertaining as well as informative.
Thanks for creating such a great and vital resource.
Frank Howard December 14th, 2006, 03:52 PM I can't even BEGIN to say how much I've learned here.
A Thousand Thanks!
Constance Beutel December 18th, 2006, 04:51 PM I too am new to Digital Video and have been gratified by the level of professional discussions, help and community. Thank you DVi!
Nathan Brendan Masters December 19th, 2006, 01:07 PM DVInfo is to us like DVXUser is to the Panasonic crowd I'm a user and fan of both, but DVI is quickly becoming my main site because of the overall info. While there's a lot of path crossing as this is a small industry I think for general digital filmmaking/videography knowledge DVI is definitely the place and everything is discussed fully and openly. Great people are on the boards and it's real no-nonsense info being handed out. Everyone's cool (most times) and I think there's also a good bunch of pros and newbies. Everyone can can here to gather together.
Ben Gurvich December 20th, 2006, 06:58 AM I made a post a while back showing my enthusiasm. I guess the best comment is that if ive got a problem or a question or want to know whats going on in the world of video, dvinfo is the first place i go to.
I think weve all learnt a lot over our time. Ive been here just over 3 years.
Rene V. Santiago December 23rd, 2006, 07:55 AM Have'nt got my XDCam HD yet but i feel like I knew and learned a lot
about this camera thru this forum than anywhere else.Cheers and Hurray
to all the unselfish people behind this site. "MABUHAY' (longlive)
Scott Ellifritt December 28th, 2006, 01:10 AM Yes, this site is all about informed, level-headed, patient people. I've been on other forums that are full of nothing but arrogant, impatient windbags with an ounce of experience and a pound of lies.
Jason Strongfield December 28th, 2006, 08:16 PM I enjoy both websites, but dvinfo is more professional for sure.
Jeffrey J Faulkner December 31st, 2006, 09:40 AM Contributors, mods, sponsors, questioners, et al:
I have been the beneficiary of your combined wisdom and guidance. It is sincerely appreciated.
Thank you.
Luiz Roberto Meira January 1st, 2007, 09:10 PM I´m glad to be accepted as member in DVi forum. I am very happy to read all very good information DVi and international professional collegues provides here. As we do not have lot of professional information eletronic available in Brazil I will certainly have good tutors here. Thanks so much, for iniciative. Cheers.
Matt Buys January 29th, 2007, 09:03 PM Today I just had a very small-time amateur category film shot on a Vx1000 with a Sennheiser ME66 for a mic accepted to the National Paddling Film Festival. I'm an avid whitewater paddler and have always wanted to make a movie about paddling but had no idea where to begin until I spent few months devouring this board. Without it, I would still be thinking about making a film.
Words cannot describe the gratitude I have for DVI. May you be blessed with a Belgian beer sponsor soon.
Les Mularky February 5th, 2007, 02:01 PM Many thanks for the opportunity to learn and lurk....until i have something to contribute myself. Peace out from Co. Antrim N.Ireland