View Full Version : Anyone from West Texas

Timothy Harry
December 8th, 2006, 10:17 AM
Im in the Odessa/Monahans/Midland area not too sure if anyone else does anything other than produce commercials out here for the news stations.

David Elkins
December 8th, 2006, 02:53 PM
Hey Timothy,

I went to grad school in Austin and drove through West Tejas several times heading back and forth to California. I gotta say I found the landscape amazing. I always wanted to do some sort of film out there. There's gotta be some great documentary stories out there. Ranchers, oil, wind power, illegal immigration, Marfa. I probably would not have appreciated Tommy Lee Jones' "Three Burials" as much if I hadn't driven through there so many times.


Timothy Harry
December 9th, 2006, 11:07 AM
I actually just did a short production out in the Monahans Sand Hills 3 weeks ago. The video turned out absolutely amazing. I actually shot in the same general area where Tommy Lee Jones shot some of his desert scenes from 3 Burials. In addition to great documentaries, there could also be some great stuff for actual movies. My high school was the same high school from Friday Night Lights, the Sand Hills in monahans make for a great Sahara Desert backdrop, and the sunsets are incredible....

David Elkins
December 9th, 2006, 02:23 PM
I actually just did a short production out in the Monahans Sand Hills 3 weeks ago. The video turned out absolutely amazing.

Would love to see the video. Is it online? Definitely lots of locations for filming and inspiration out there.


Timothy Harry
December 12th, 2006, 05:29 PM
I cannot post it until sunday after the production I shot it for wraps up, but at that time i will do so.

Bruce Foreman
December 17th, 2006, 03:49 PM
I'm in San Angelo and have to second everything Harry says about Monahans.

My wife is from Odessa and her brother still lives there so we get over that way on occasion. Shortly after I met her in 1963 she took me out to Monahans and I took some of the first pictures of her on some of the sand dunes. I made the mistake of reloading the camera (35mm SLR) and the light soft breeze apparently blew enough of that fine, fine sand into the camera.

I was cleaning fine sand out for weeks afterward.

Her dad was a pumper for Cities Service for about 35 years before he retired.