View Full Version : Iriver and Giant Squid Info

Steven Davis
December 8th, 2006, 07:38 AM
Well I just ordered some mics and found an Iriver 8-- series. I just wanted to pass along the 411.

I didn't know if people knew, but you can get the giant squid in white. I think he just painted it from what I can see, but it's 1 buck extra so that's no biggy.

As for my Iriver info, I called Iriver and asked them about thier new players/recorders. The dude told me that the new ones come with either the ability to line in record or voice record, but not both. In honesty I told him that to split that ability into two different recorders was kinda dumb. I asked him if Iriver was aware of video production people's use of thier product, I can't remember his answer.

So anyway, I figured I'd pass along the info.

Jonathan Jones
December 8th, 2006, 10:39 PM
Steven, I second your comment. I have 4 iRivers (7xx series) and GS mics. One of the mics is white. I got it just in case I had to mic a groom wearing white, and soon after I purchased it, I had a military groom in dress whites for which the white mic and cable were a perfect fit.

I've also been able to discreetly hide it in a white cross-hatch archway where a number of 'readers' were going to be standing to share a poem during a garden wedding. Worked really well, and it didn't show up in photos.