View Full Version : Mojo SDI --> Sony Monitor --> Beta SP = NO REF!

Tony Pham
December 8th, 2006, 01:16 AM
Hi everyone,

I tried to hook Mojo SDI component output to my Sony PVM-14L5 input, and loop through Sony PVM output to my Betacam SP deck and I got an error message saying "No Ref". I know that it has no reference input. What can I do? I don't want to hook straight from Mojo SDI to my Beta Deck because I don't want to have always turn my deck on when I want to preview my sequence on the Monitor. Any suggestions? Thanks!

David Parks
December 8th, 2006, 01:19 PM

I think you need a black burst generator to feed reference to your Betacam SP deck. I assume that you have a UVW series. Horita make one for around $400. You would feed black burst out from the generator into ref in to the deck and that should take care of your problem.

Tony Pham
December 8th, 2006, 03:57 PM
Hi David,

Thank you for your reply! I checked on B&H and there are tons of Horita BBGEN. What should I look for in one? What makes one better than the other? Please advise. Thanks!