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Doug Davis
May 1st, 2008, 11:42 AM
That was pretty impressive man... Great job... Great flow... Please post the final version...

What frame rate were you shooting? Any particular presets?

Bill Busby
May 1st, 2008, 03:27 PM
Well done.

The male voiceover at the beginning introducing "himself" as Jane Velez-Mitchell threw me though :)

James Hooey
May 2nd, 2008, 08:59 PM
Here is an early edit exerpt from the video Indian Falls - A Guided Tour.

Essentially a travel/tourism on spec video about the conservation area and the hiking trail that takes people from the parking to the falls themselves.

This was shot over three days with a few clips from last fall as well.

Equipment used was the XHA1, Letus Extreme, Nikon 28, 50, 135mm lenses, Manfrotto 503/525 tripod. Edited in Vegas Pro 8. The video is shot in 24f (which had some issues getting to work in Pro 8) and uses the default camera setting with color correction done in post.

There is still about 3 minutes to complete and then to finalize the edits/colors/effects/narration/bed sounds. Many of these will be entirely re-recorded or replaced with separate audio recordings. You can hear the Letus vibrating in several of the shots as currently the video is playing the audio from the camera mic.

Hope people find this enjoyable and informative. This is a particular format and style of video that I want to base my business around, so I'm hoping it catches peoples interest.

Comments and critiques are most welcome!


Jim Miller
May 4th, 2008, 07:01 PM
James. You asked for comments so here is my .02 cents - just my opinion though.
My first impression is that the video did not make me want to go to this place. The time of day, shot selection, color etc. were boring to me - and I'm a nature lover. I would also loose the graphics since they really didn't give me much useful information. In addition, the DOF was not put to good use except for a few shots of the crumpled leaves and twigs.

I also found the opening shot of the falls with the dutch angle distracting. Wow, what a grouch I am. Sorry - no disrespect.

Re-shoot when you have better lighting -i.e. early morning or late afternoon when the sun is golden. It will also give more depth to the shots.

Feature the falls more prominently and from a variety of angles. Shoot more angles of the stream - maybe some very low at the waters edge. You could also ad a few hikers or someone fishing. Show people enjoying the space. Use a wide DOF when shooting the overall environment and save the real shallow DOF for the detail shots like you did on the leaves. A little more enthusiasm in the voiceover would also be a plus.

I don't want to discourage you and hope you will take my comments constructively as intended. I think you want people to watch the promo of the park and say "wow, what a nice place. I want to go there."

James Hooey
May 4th, 2008, 11:52 PM
Thanks kindly for all the advice Jim. I appreciate criticism very much as it helps me identify what others are seeing that I might not be.

A few things I will mention is that you are the second person (other forum) to mention the dutch angle at the start being distracting. I'm still happy with it but I wonder how many people find it to be the wrong choice for the title background? Why?

The only other thing that strikes me is that you mention that I should time for better lighting. Not sure how I can get much better than what I get when I was at the area between 4 - 7 pm in early April for three days of sunny weather.
Did you notice how long the shadows were and the slightly warm cast of many of the shots?
Any later and there would be no sun in the valley of the river. I really wanted to shoot the falls in the morning (east facing falls) but was unable to get the chance to do so. The backlit falls is my greatest frustration with the lighting but much of the other shots I think the light looks great.

As mentioned in my opening post this is an unfinished early edit. I expect for many things to stick out as being rough but comments on it's current state can only help to make the final cut that much more polished.

Thanks kindly for your time Jim and for your comments. Many things to consider!


ps: what does 'discouraged" mean?

Viimar Lindau
May 5th, 2008, 12:42 AM
Hello everybody!

I am another A1 newbie here. I’ve been reading this forum for about 6 months and have gained so much new. This forum is the reason I purchased A1. Thank you all who have shared their knowledge and expertise.
I haven’t posted any questions yet because so far I have found answers to my questions by searching and reading this forum.
Switching to A1 is a major jump for me as before that I was using Panasonic consumer camera on A-mode most of the time :) Now A1 has so many complicated features and buttons and it takes time to learn how to use them. But I like it! Thanks to you I’m learning very fast.
As I have been lucky owner of A1 for about a month, I thought it is time to put something together and share it with you the same way as many of you have done already. After playing with my new camera at home for about two weeks, I decided to take it with me to country side and forest for a weekend.
Here is what I did.
I took all sort of different shots about how nature is waking up after winter time. For some shots I used tripod and some are hand-held. Everything is on manual mode. Also I used Panalook preset by Mr. Dempsey – thank you Steven. No any color correction in post, plain and simple straight from the camera.

Here it is:

Hope you like it :)
All your advise/comments/criticism welcome!

Matthew Ebenezer
May 5th, 2008, 02:08 AM
Hey Viimar!

Welcome to the forum!

Some really nice images in your clip. Good use of depth of field as well. Seems like you're getting the hang of manual mode pretty well.

For me, I found the tripod shots to be more appealing - for this type of piece. The handheld shots in this piece made me realise that the camera was there ... rather than me focusing on the images.

Beautiful images straight out of the camera.

Great work - the A1 is such a cool camera and you're off to a good start!



Nikolai Ozerov
May 5th, 2008, 06:07 AM
May I bring a couple of suggestions ... My impression from what I've seen was that the movie is too technical ... I would add something what really impressed me when I've seen the falls on the first time. In my case (I've seen the falls twice) it was a dramatic change after driving through a small and busy downtown of Owen Sound and in 5 minutes later walking on the picturesque trail and listening to the sounds of nature. You probably has your own impressions. Try to highlight them in the movie ...
Although the view of the falls in the early spring is very impressive but there is one big advantage being at the falls later in the season. The creek turns into puddles as you said in the movie and that what makes it possible coming to the falls following the creek bed. This way you can see the water coming down almost upon you and shattering on the rock. Believe me that staying down there you feel quite different comparing to when you are above the falls ... That would definitely could bring some unusual angles and combined with the views you already have could tell more about the subject.
At last, I would drop the detailed description of the memorial park. Instead, if you'd like to give some info on the surroundings there are two more waterfalls in the area (Inglis falls and Eugenia Falls). I also vote against the tilted background - just my opinion).
I wish you best luck,

James Hooey
May 5th, 2008, 07:29 AM

Thank you very much for your suggestions! It's great to get some feedback from someone who has visited the area before and has some impressions of the area. That's exactly what I was hoping for.

Something you mention regarding the low water levels later in season allowing for creek bed level access gives me some excellent ideas on how to integrate some footage I have from the previous year. Currently I used only one shot (the dry creek with fall colours) but have many other of these low levels that I had wondered how to incorporate them into the whole.

I agree that it is somewhat of a technical style of film. I considered it a "Guided Tour", by this meaning a combination of reference to the area and it's trail system (hence the maps and distances) as well as a bit of a portrait of the place shown in pretty pictures. Still struggling on the balance between these two.

The narration was sort of driving the edit to some degree so now I am going to also be working on rewriting many parts of it to expand and allow for both more information and more scenic imagery.

Thanks for your time and comments, much appreciated!


Jay Hobbs
May 7th, 2008, 02:56 PM
Greetings All,

Listen ... I've been waiting to get my camera for over a year now. About six months ago, I came across this forum as I was trying to decide on the right camera for my purposes.

For the longest I didn't even post, I just kinda laid low and soaked up information. A month or so ago, I finally made my first post. After only a short time of looking at sample footage of the XH A1, I knew it was the camera for me! Not only that, however, the rave reviews that users here seemed to be given for the camera.

After saving up and finally getting the camera, I received it last week. I wasn't really worried about was the camera going to live up to the hype or not, nor was I concerned with an HD workflow. I guess the main reason being ... I was already prepped by being on this forum.

For that I'd like to thank everyone here. I couldn't wait to shoot either! So, I literally removed the camera from the box, inserted a tape, walked across the street from my job on my lunch break and began shooting!

So this explains the shaky footage. I used the factory settings, no presets, as I said before ... straight from the box to shooting.

Please to say, that I love the camera (knew I would), and that all of the information I learned on this site really will come in handy (especially that this camera needs some support!).

I'm looking forward to making more video with my new toy. Again thanks to you all, for helping me make the greatest decision for my future career!

Jim Miller
May 7th, 2008, 03:13 PM
Congrats on your purchase. The fun has just begun!

Matthew Ebenezer
May 7th, 2008, 06:11 PM
Hi Jay,

Welcome to the A1 club. I had to wait over a year to save up for mine as well so I know the excitement of it finally arriving!

Great camera, hope you enjoy it.



Viimar Lindau
May 8th, 2008, 03:59 AM
Thanks Matthew for your comments!

I’m agree with you that those handheld shaking shots don’t looks so good.
When I was taking all those shots I had no plan to put anything together at all. Main purpose was just to play around with my camera and learn full manual mode. So I didn’t pay that much of the attention to stability. When going to forest, I was too lazy to carry the tripod with me. Just afterwards when reviewing the material I came up with the idea to put something together and result you already saw.

Steve Lewis
May 9th, 2008, 12:13 AM
Take a look at this short I made with Panalook2 and some minor color correction in Final Cut Express. (All -3db gain)

Tell me what you think!

Philip Williams
May 9th, 2008, 08:45 AM
Looks really nice Steve. I haven't downloaded the Panalook presets yet, I really need to try them out.

Dom Stevenson
May 12th, 2008, 01:54 AM
We went over to Italy for 3 days last month. At the airport i realized i'd forgotten to bring my driving license, so we had to take the train instead.

Here's a couple of little things i shot with the A1 on the "true colour" setting.

Most of it's handheld and i haven't had time to add a smoothcam filter yet.

Jeff Nelson
May 13th, 2008, 12:15 AM
Was hired by a non-profit in the San Francisco Bay Area to do a 9-minute film and a few shorter pieces on people they are honoring at a big event later this week.

All shot with A-1, here is the job:


Mike Watkins
May 13th, 2008, 05:59 AM

This looks great. I'm very inspired. Did you use any adapters on the A1? Also what NLE are you using?


Mike Watkins

Shahryar Rizvi
May 13th, 2008, 07:17 AM
Good looking footage. I have a newbie question. Would anyone mind explaining a smoothcam filter?

Bo Sundvall
May 13th, 2008, 07:35 AM

Once every year dragons are placed around the city of Sundsvall, Sweden. The dragons are painted by artists and sponsored by local companies. This film is from the opening event where all dragons are gathered in a park before they are placed all around the city. Hope you enjoy it!




Jeff Nelson
May 13th, 2008, 08:03 AM
Thanks, Mike. I use Final Cut Pro, and no adapters, though I think I'm going to get a Letus shortly to play with, after seeing Steve Dempsey's stuff.

Mark Bournes
May 13th, 2008, 08:31 AM
Nice job Jeff, very inspirational stories.

Dennis Murphy
May 13th, 2008, 04:27 PM
This is a job I did for a Valentines Ball in Whangarei, New Zealand.
I find the XHA1 to be a bit naughty with noise in low light, and hate using the on camera light when covering events due to it's intrusiveness, but was happy with how this came out.


Dom Stevenson
May 14th, 2008, 12:51 PM
Smoothcam is a filter that comes as an affect in Final Cut Pro. It was one of several features to come from the another Apple App Shake. It smoothes out bumpy handheld footage to excellent effect, by zooming in on the image and stabilizing the picture.

Steve Lewis
May 14th, 2008, 11:16 PM
Thanks Philip,
I find that the panalook preset is good, but it makes the frame much darker than I would like; definitely best for outdoor shooting, in my opinion.

Eric James Kline
May 15th, 2008, 09:13 AM
i liked it, i thought the editing was great too. what kind of on camera light do you use?

Tom Roper
May 15th, 2008, 04:27 PM
A festival of color and crisp!

Dennis Murphy
May 15th, 2008, 05:01 PM
The light is a no-brand 75watt. Came with a 12 volt battery, charger, carry bag and barn doors for $210 (New Zealand).
It's a pain in that it is daylight kelvin, so when you're under lights, it gives a blue cast - I must figure out how to get the filter off.

Kiflom Bahta
May 20th, 2008, 04:24 PM
Nice colors, i am a sucker for colors. What preset did you use?

Bo Sundvall
May 21st, 2008, 01:08 AM

I used PANALOOK2 but also did some CC in post, mostly pulling down brightness to make black blacker.


Raymond Toussaint
May 22nd, 2008, 06:14 AM
White swans meet other waterbirds. Strong music.
A little 1,5 minute movie 'stresstest' to find the MPEG2 critical moments shooting with the XH A1 Canon.
or ( same movie)

Kyle Prohaska
May 22nd, 2008, 06:45 PM
I love the Canon A1 with the LetusEX. I got outside today to get some footage and it came out so gorgeous. What a great combination. This is all with an 85mm Nikon Prime. No CC, straight out of cam using Panalook preset.

Comments? :)

Julian Shapiro
May 22nd, 2008, 07:03 PM
Looks absolutely gorgeous.

What model is that 85mm prime? I'm searching for one on eBay but there are a lot of re-issues of it.

Kyle Prohaska
May 22nd, 2008, 07:13 PM
I'm not sure what model but I got it from They have a big selection and their rating of used lenses is much more creditable than ebay. Look there for one...prices are great too.

Raymond Toussaint
May 22nd, 2008, 07:26 PM
I don't know about the Beta state exposureroom is running on, I received this message if you hit the movie:

'We're Sorry, there was an Error Attempting this Operation
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

But mostly it is running.

Raymond Toussaint
May 25th, 2008, 07:34 AM
19 seconds high quality HD:
or same mov but better:

Steve Lewis
May 27th, 2008, 06:31 PM
Hey guys,
This is just a short 2 minute clip of a high school production of "Beauty and the Beast." I shot it with no presets, AWB, +3 gain.

I used IAF, which worked okay for most of it, but I did have a lot of moments where focus went soft for about 2 seconds when panning or when lighting would change on the stage.

Rich Woodrick
May 28th, 2008, 07:46 AM
Do you think normal focus setting would have worked better?

Marcel D. Van Someren
May 28th, 2008, 03:35 PM
I've been working on a new preset based upon the REALITY preset and came up with something I named REALSHP. The intent is to have natural looking colors that don't require a lot of color grading but can be made to "pop" with a slight saturation boost in post if desired.

To test this preset, yesterday, I shot some footage at Vasquez Rocks, located in North Los Angele County, CA. Many of you will recognize it as the backdrop for a multitude of motion pictures and television shows.

Here's the result of the experiment. No color grading was done in post.

The video was edited in NewTek's SpeedEdit. The audio was created automatically in in Adobe Soundbooth.

Jeremy Nemeth
May 29th, 2008, 07:25 PM
Hello all!
I just recently got a XH-G1 and am trying to get back into the whole video thing. Its been 6yrs since I've done anything, but I learn pretty quick.

Anyways the video is just a montage of shots around downtown Valparaiso, In and Ogden Gardens, Valparaiso. Let me know what you think please. Any feedback would be nice. I'm learning everything I'm doing right now on the fly...


Farid Bouchakour
May 30th, 2008, 07:51 AM
Nothing special just want to share,i would make something interesting when i get my SGPRO .
Thanks to all

Walter Camacho
May 30th, 2008, 01:15 PM
I love the dark look. i didn't get it bet nice shots. keep up the good work.

Pete Bauer
May 30th, 2008, 03:42 PM
Thanks for posting; I also find the effect with black level boost interesting. If you can recall your settings, please do post them.

Rich Woodrick
May 30th, 2008, 06:58 PM
Not bad at all. Practice alot and it will all come together. This forum has been a tremendous help learning from the pros. Are you planning on doing any video work with your cam? I may need some help at times with another XH-A1. I got my first job tomorrow using it. I also will be using an HV30.

Makoto Schoppert
May 31st, 2008, 12:10 AM
I noticed the shot of the sun in the beginning. I've been a little paranoid of shooting the sun because of the warnings in the manual. Does anyone know what kind of damage, if any, pointing the lens at the sun can cause?

Nice video btw, the colors look good. Did you use a preset?

Peter Szilveszter
May 31st, 2008, 08:17 AM
I've done my first test with the A1 and the RNG35 a lake near my place. Really love the different look that the adapter gives. Any C&C welcome

Jeff Anselmo
May 31st, 2008, 11:09 AM
Hi Peter,

Some really nice images there. Liked the focus in/outs, and slight cam moves, except the end shot of the tall grass, then suddenly panning left seemed to not flow with the rest of the piece. Good job nonetheless.

How is it working with the RNG35? You said it wasn't as easy as with the HV20. Did you have to use a step up/down ring? Have you ever used other 35mm adapters?


Peter Szilveszter
May 31st, 2008, 06:31 PM
Cheers for the comments, the last shot I was going for that end of the film roll look but not sure if it works.

The adapter is 72mm thread so no need for step down/up ring. but just the bulkiness of the adapter and the cam makes a bit more cumbersome but thats something I have to get used to. It is my first time with an adapter as well so I can't compare with other adapters either. If I had the budget I would have bought the cinavete brevis. For the budget user the RNG is excellent value.

Gert Kracht
June 1st, 2008, 04:30 AM
After your comment in the custom preset part of this forum I searched for your movie to watch it.
Great recordings! I recognised a few places from scenes in series! Wonderfull work there.

One thing: the music...I might have chosen something with a touch of magic? But, like the sometimes is personal taste. :-)

Good work Marcel, and thanks for the comments about WB and CP's

Marcel D. Van Someren
June 1st, 2008, 09:03 AM
Thanks Gert,

Actually the music was just a very quick choice...automatically generated by Adobe Soundbooth. Not my favorite either, but the only thing I had handy.

I'm not sure when you watched the clip, but you may have seen it early this morning (early my time, that is). That was actually a test clip trying a different compression. But I found it tended to wash the colors out a little so I just replaced it with the original. You might try watching it again to get a better idea of what the preset does.