Ian Thomas
December 6th, 2006, 01:32 PM
Hello everybody
I have just received a XLH1 (black beauty) after using a XL2 for 2 years, I think the XL2 is great camera just a pity it is'nt Hd
Have any of you noticed the the viewfinder has a blueish cast (XLH1) and although the XL2 finder is not the best it gave a better rendition of what your footage would look like, the picture from the XLH1 by the way looks ok when you view it on tv or moniter,
I have looked at the colour ect in the menu but it doesn't make much differance! anybody notice this
Mick Jenner
December 6th, 2006, 02:27 PM
Hi Ian,
Congratulations on your new purchase. On my H1 I would not say I had a blue cast, but the colouring is certainly not what is seen on a monitor.
I have played around by trial and error to get my presets (I have two I use one for the standard lens and the other for my 70-200 f2.8) and use the viewfinder only as a means of frameing and focusing. Although this can be off putting as I found out the other morning when recording Sika on sunny frosty morning the bracken in the viewfinder looked quite washed out which worried me but when viewed later on a monitor the bracken displayed all the rich colour the sun was giving it.
Jonas Nystrom
December 6th, 2006, 03:07 PM
I love my Xl H1, and I hate EVF! After one day of shooting your right eye is red like three days of smoking pot (mixed with cigars and waterpipes).
I hope Canon will come up with better EVF but less expensive then the FU-1000!
Ian Thomas
December 6th, 2006, 03:21 PM
I was out filming Roe deer this morning first time with the camera and maybe i did'nt describe it right, it just looked totaly differant to the XL2
I went round to my friends who has a widescreen tv and pluged the s-video lead in and i tried to work a preset out it looked ok the colours true but i have not seen it in true HD yet
Just down converted in camera into my editing program next to the XL2 footage yes it was not a very good morning here but the XL2 footage looks bloody good
Mick Jenner
December 6th, 2006, 04:04 PM
You must be very careful with your pre-sets as settings made to show HD off at its best don't always down convert well. I found the best way was to start with Lauri's outside settings and adjust slightly for our lighting. I have found this setting looks great on HD and also down converts very well. If you do a search on this forum on my name you should find the setting I use with the standard lens.
Tony Davies-Patrick
December 6th, 2006, 04:58 PM
...the XL2 footage looks bloody good
That's because it is good...and should hold its own against H1 footage downconverted to SD.
The H1 will shine of course if shown in full HDV on a good HD widescreen. HD footage also can sometimes look awful when viewed on a non HD 16:9 wide screen (and even on some low-quality so-called HD wide screens).
Jon Bickford
December 11th, 2006, 03:26 PM
I had a very similar experience with th viewfinder when I first got it. at this point after a year of heavy use i can pretty accurately translate the junk the viewfinder shows me to what the image will actually look like but it took awhile. The XL2 is a heck of a camera! the H1 is as well but it's a lot trickier to find it's sweet spot, with the xl2 just about everything is it's sweet spot!