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Dick Graham
January 5th, 2007, 06:40 PM
Larry - Make sure you have the camera in one of the recording modes i.e. A, Tv, Av, or M when you try do go through the steps on pages 81 & 82.

There is a "Custom Function" item in the VCR menu but this is not what you want!

Dick Graham
January 5th, 2007, 07:06 PM
Larry - Here's another thought - Verify that the camera is "seeing" your SD card. Put the camera in card mode (small switch on right side of camera), then turn camera "on" (Record or VCR - makes no difference). If you get the red "no card" symbol on the screen , try removing your SD card and re-inserting it.

Don Fraser
January 5th, 2007, 09:19 PM
These sample pics are just a quick and dirty set that I made up just to put something up here quickly... the subject is a test photo from DSC Labs. What I really should do is to prepare some live-image samples from outdoor shots, because most of these presets are tailored for outdoor use. For now however, these test images will give you a frame of reference. And they're named after their respective Custom Preset names.
G'day Chris, this is an awesome forum with really helpful hints - even for 70 year old amateurs like me - congratulations!!
The XH A1 arrived in Australia in early December but I'm still getting my head around the remarkable number of alternative options. I revisited the "Custom Presets" sticky but couldn't find your live-image samples from outdoor shots. Please point me in the right direction mate.
Kind regards,

Larry Kamerman
January 6th, 2007, 09:45 AM
Dick, thanks for the suggestions. I tried doing it in all the modes (no luck), and, when I put the camera in card mode, the icon indicating it sees the card appeared on the screen.
Any other thoughts?

Chris Hurd
January 6th, 2007, 10:54 AM
Try this:

1. Format the SD card from within the camcorder (see page 124 of the manual).

2. Copy one of the three Custom Presets that are included in the camera over to the card. The three included preset files are listed at the bottom of page 82 of the manual. Pick one and copy it to the SD card, as described on page 81. This procedure insures that the camcorder creates the PRESET folder.

3. Remove the card and insert it into your SD card reader on your computer. Copy the downloaded CPF files from your computer to the PRESET folder on the card. Move the card back to the camcorder.

4. Press the CP Select button and cycle past the six internal camera files. The ones from the card should be next. See the top of page 81.

Hope this helps,

Larry Kamerman
January 6th, 2007, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. Tried it, the camera created the PRESET folder, exactly as you described, but still no go. By the way, the camera cycles thru 9 presets, not 6. Not sure if that has any bearing on anything, but wanted to mention it just in case.
Think there is something wrong with the camera?

Larry Kamerman
January 6th, 2007, 04:40 PM
Actaully Chris, I think I found the problem. I've been clicking and dragging the cpf files onto the SD card assuming that would work. When I open it, it says it's a website link. When I try to download it, I am sent to the log in page, a problem similar to what I believe Jay Rodriguez had a short while ago.

Don Fraser
January 6th, 2007, 06:14 PM
G'day Chris, this is an awesome forum with really helpful hints - even for 70 year old amateurs like me - congratulations!!
The XH A1 arrived in Australia in early December but I'm still getting my head around the remarkable number of alternative options. I revisited the "Custom Presets" sticky but couldn't find your live-image samples from outdoor shots. Please point me in the right direction mate.
Kind regards,
PS Sorry Chris, I originally posted this in the "Sticky" section

Erik Palm
January 7th, 2007, 04:03 AM
I downloaded the 18 presets - thanks a lot for sharing! What i didn't realise is that you can keep the orginal 9 settings stored in camera and add the 18 and only have them on the sd card - did I get i right?
Anyway I replaced the orginal presets - not necessary, and therefore I wonder if anyone could repost them here, or just the data on how they are set up? Are they any good by the way?

Kind regards Erik

Chris Hurd
January 7th, 2007, 06:03 AM
The data for the included presets is in the operator's manual along with how to get them restored.

Larry Kamerman
January 10th, 2007, 12:15 PM
At the risk of being a total pain, I've got to try again.

I can't seem to download these presets - am obviously doing something wrong - and am hoping for some help.

If I click on them they download an empty document. If I drag and drop them into a PRESET folder on the SD or if I right-click on them and save them to the desktop, they take me to a sign in page on this site, and when I sign in I get a message that no such page exists.

Apologies for being thick, but any help would be most appreciated. Am very eager to take advantage of - and hopefully add to - all the fantastic work that has already been accomplished with these presets.

Chris Hurd
January 11th, 2007, 11:01 AM
If you're using a PC, then right-click and choose "save target as..."

If you're using a Mac, do whatever is the equivalent of right-clicking. (Control-click? I'm not sure.)

Larry Kamerman
January 11th, 2007, 12:01 PM
Thanks Chris. Finally figured out where I was being bone-headed.

Michael Bartolo
January 13th, 2007, 02:29 PM
Jay Stebbins sent me an email suggesting a link to this Canon USA Guide to Custom Presets:

It's intended for the XL H1 and we've passed this around in our H1 forum before. I just had not thought of posting it here as well, so thanks to Jay for the tip.

I tried to access the above link but got denied because I "do not have permission to access". Is there another link for the Canon USA guide to custom presets.

Jay Stebbins
January 13th, 2007, 03:30 PM
right click and download.... don't try to go to the page

Brian Spatz
January 17th, 2007, 12:52 AM
If I drag and drop them into a PRESET folder on the SD or if I right-click on them and save them to the desktop.

I just got my camera yesterday and had some trouble loading them into the camera at first. If you have some problems it might be a good idea to...

First put the card into the camera and save one of the camera's presets onto the card. This creates your PRESETS folder (which I believe is case sensitive) and you know your camera will recognize it.

Second, just pop the SD card into your computer and save all the presets directly to the PRESETS folder that the camera had created.

Third, pop that bad boy right back into your camera, and load in the ones you'll be using the most.

Hope this helps those just entering the A1 world

Jeremy Naus
January 18th, 2007, 07:17 AM

I was wondering if there's a way to make the presets name appear on the display when shooting. Cause I can't remember if setting what all those settings are when just looking at numbers.

Chris Hurd
January 18th, 2007, 09:22 AM
Hi Jeremy, unfortunately that's not an option. You'll have to carry around a small note card as a "cheat sheet" to tell you which is which.

Ray Ortega
August 28th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Can you please tell me why as a registered user of this forum I can't gain access to the page with custom presets for the xh a1 referenced in this thread? thanks, love it here!

Ivan Mosny
August 28th, 2008, 01:50 AM

Stuart Graham
September 6th, 2008, 07:11 AM
Hey guys

Here are my results of testing out all the different presets from:

I tried to maintain consistent exposure with the zebra stripes but was in a bit of a rush so the exposure may not be quite right on some images.

Can't get my image to display in the post, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

PRESET01.CPF "FACTORY" is simply the Canon factory default settings.
PRESET02.CPF "AC PREF1" is Alister Chapman's prefered general setup.
PRESET03.CPF "AVG FILM" is designed to emulate an average film stock, best used with 24F / 25F.
PRESET04.CPF "5248FILM" is supposed to emulate Kodak 5248 film stock, best used with 24F / 25F.
PRESET05.CPF "LOWLT12" is for shooting in low light with 12db gain.
PRESET06.CPF "OPTICONT" is for optimum latitude, similar to AC PREF1.
PRESET07.CPF "5296FILM" should be like Kodak 5296 film stock, best used with 24F / 25F.
PRESET08.CPF "TERRA1" is a soft unsharpened image, shadows retain detail without looking washed out.
PRESET09.CPF "TERRA2" is like TERRA1 but sharper, with coring turned down to keep noise levels at bay.
PRESET10.CPF "DISJECTA" most resembles the colors Steven Dempsey used with his Panasonic DVX100.
PRESET11.CPF "B&WJECTA" is B&W with detail in darks without blowing out lights, no diagonal stair-stepping.
PRESET12.CPF "NOMAGENT" negates the Magenta bias that some Canon owners detect in factory settings.
PRESET13.CPF "OUTSIDEN" gives the Canon a neutral image outdoors while managing bright whites.
PRESET14.CPF "OLEGWARM" is warm and saturated and film-like when combined with Skin Detail: Middle.
PRESET15.CPF "DVXMATCH" closely matches the Panasonic DVX100 at WB of 3200K; also try Knee: Auto.
PRESET16.CPF "EOSPHOTO" is optimized for Canon EOS photo lenses; much brighter with more contrast.
PRESET17.CPF "NATURALO" closely resembles natural outdoor colors, requiring minimum correction.
PRESET18.CPF "PANALOOK" is Steven Dempsey's preffered setting which accurately emulates the DVX100.

Eduardo Gomez
September 16th, 2008, 05:13 PM
Gracias Stuart Graham por los presets hace un buen tiempo que intento accesar a la primer pagina de los custom present y aun no e podido acceder.

GrACIAS Stuart
Eduardo Gomez (

Stuart Graham
May 6th, 2009, 11:07 AM
Not sure what you said Eduardo but glad to be of help.

To my semi-trained eyes presets 6, 7 and 16 (opticont, 5296 film and EOSphoto) look best and to my eye I can't percieve much difference between these three. Anyone agree/disagree?

Has anyone used any of these presets to make a film? If so were you pleased with the results?

I'm thinking of using Alastair Chapman's 5296 preset for my next film.

Bill Grant
May 7th, 2009, 03:01 PM
"Thank you Stuart Graham for the presets is nice that tried accesar to firstly page of the custom preset and even not and been possible gain access"
from google

Stuart Graham
May 26th, 2009, 02:14 AM
Hey guys

Here are my results of testing out all the different presets from:

I tried to maintain consistent exposure with the zebra stripes but was in a bit of a rush so the exposure may not be quite right on some images.

Can't get my image to display in the post, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

PRESET01.CPF "FACTORY" is simply the Canon factory default settings.
PRESET02.CPF "AC PREF1" is Alister Chapman's prefered general setup.
PRESET03.CPF "AVG FILM" is designed to emulate an average film stock, best used with 24F / 25F.
PRESET04.CPF "5248FILM" is supposed to emulate Kodak 5248 film stock, best used with 24F / 25F.
PRESET05.CPF "LOWLT12" is for shooting in low light with 12db gain.
PRESET06.CPF "OPTICONT" is for optimum latitude, similar to AC PREF1.
PRESET07.CPF "5296FILM" should be like Kodak 5296 film stock, best used with 24F / 25F.
PRESET08.CPF "TERRA1" is a soft unsharpened image, shadows retain detail without looking washed out.
PRESET09.CPF "TERRA2" is like TERRA1 but sharper, with coring turned down to keep noise levels at bay.
PRESET10.CPF "DISJECTA" most resembles the colors Steven Dempsey used with his Panasonic DVX100.
PRESET11.CPF "B&WJECTA" is B&W with detail in darks without blowing out lights, no diagonal stair-stepping.
PRESET12.CPF "NOMAGENT" negates the Magenta bias that some Canon owners detect in factory settings.
PRESET13.CPF "OUTSIDEN" gives the Canon a neutral image outdoors while managing bright whites.
PRESET14.CPF "OLEGWARM" is warm and saturated and film-like when combined with Skin Detail: Middle.
PRESET15.CPF "DVXMATCH" closely matches the Panasonic DVX100 at WB of 3200K; also try Knee: Auto.
PRESET16.CPF "EOSPHOTO" is optimized for Canon EOS photo lenses; much brighter with more contrast.
PRESET17.CPF "NATURALO" closely resembles natural outdoor colors, requiring minimum correction.
PRESET18.CPF "PANALOOK" is Steven Dempsey's preffered setting which accurately emulates the DVX100.

I've worked out how to put images in posts at last!

Heath Graham
August 23rd, 2009, 12:24 PM
New to the site and for some reason it wont allow me to access this page to view the presets, anyone else had this problem? I would love to find these preset settings for my A1, Ive been searching for them for several days.

Thanks for any help, it would be greatly appreciated!

Chris Hurd
August 23rd, 2009, 03:05 PM
Does this link work for you?

Heath Graham
August 23rd, 2009, 03:19 PM
that link worked, thanks bro!!!

Kees van Duijvenbode
August 24th, 2009, 02:54 AM
Done. See
Chris, when I try to reach the link you mention here I get the message: you do not have permission to access this page. Why is that?

Edit: the link in your last post does the trick.

Chris Hurd
August 24th, 2009, 08:31 AM
The link in that quoted post is now fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.

Joachim Ljungquist
August 30th, 2009, 09:49 AM
This video was shot two nights ago. I was stunned by the good quality and that almost no grain appeared - so I made some quick editing just to show other people the result.

This was shot with a Canon XH A1 with no extra lenses. Downloaded the preset "Vision7", tweaked it a bit and put the gain to -3 db. The shutter was 1/25.

Quick editing (1h) in Premiere CS4.

Using only the raw filmed material directly, meaning:
- No color grading at all!
- No changes in levels, light, contrast or anything!
- No plugins or effects

Straight from the camera...

See the result:
Password: disco

Jacques Dufait
August 30th, 2009, 12:36 PM
Hello Joachim, good job, so where can i find the preset vision7 for download please ? Best regards.

Joachim Ljungquist
August 30th, 2009, 09:54 PM
Hello Joachim, good job, so where can i find the preset vision7 for download please ? Best regards.

Don't remember where I got it, but I'll post it here as an attachment!
All credits to "Someday"!

Gerrit Meijer
September 1st, 2009, 01:05 PM
Hello Joachim, Liked the quality of the image. The vision7 version you posted did it include your tweaks?
