View Full Version : "Revenge" 7 Min.

Joseph Mason
December 6th, 2006, 12:02 AM
"Revenge: A Brother Revenged His Murdered Brother"

I tried really hard. My first real attempt at a short.

Thanks for watching. Can't wait to hear what you folks have to say!

Adam Bray
December 6th, 2006, 01:50 AM
Pretty good for a first attempt. Maybe pay attention to lighting a little more next time. I'd also ditch the the shaky handheld shots in favor of a tripod. That's just me. Every time I see a shaky handhelt shot, I feel like it's supposed to be a POV.

I like the whole Russian/Bad Guy theme. You always know someone is going to get killed when there's pissed off Russians around.

Good job though.

Joseph Mason
December 6th, 2006, 01:58 AM
Thanks. I couldn't really rely on tripods, except for a few shots... I had minimal time to shoot. One of my friends is allergic to cameras or something - his hands get all grandma on me when I put a camera in his hands.

I couldn't do much with the lightening, I have zero lighting equipment.

I hope it is sort of decent - considering that I had no access to alternate light sources, no professional actors except my friends and I, and that it was a simple class project.

Thanks for the feedback!

I would've loved to have more time to shoot. Almost every shot would've been tripod supported ;)

Joseph Mason
December 6th, 2006, 11:32 AM
Any other comments folks? Liked it.. disliked it?

Bruce Foreman
December 9th, 2006, 01:53 AM
I liked it. Got so caught up in the story and the characters I didn't pay that much attention to camera steadiness or lighting.

The story itself is kind of "dark" so lack of supplemental lighting didn't detract in any way I noticed.

For a first attempt I think it turned out quite well.

Joseph Mason
December 9th, 2006, 12:22 PM
Thanks a lot sir!

That's a little different from some other positive reviews I've heard. Others have said they enjoyed the lighting, effects and music cuts -- but the story and acting sucked. (Hey it was my first time acting -- sorry for the bad performance.)

I appreciate you taking the time to look at the short.

Cole McDonald
December 9th, 2006, 02:41 PM
Nicely done...good use of available light, I was fine with the camera work personally. I have the same wireless phone the mafia boss had in his apt. :)

Love what you did with the subtitles too, almost graphic novelish.

Color saturation and exposure was very good.

Joseph Mason
December 9th, 2006, 03:08 PM
Thanks Cole McDonald -- much appreciated. That apt was actually mine -- I'm the gunman.

Camera work could've been much improved, I just didn't have as much time as I wanted to use a tripod for every shot.

Was the acting sort of decent, or just plain horrible?

Derrick A.Jones
December 9th, 2006, 03:10 PM
This was a very good storyline. I thought that the lighting was ok being that you had no lighting equip and had to rely soley on what you had. I thought also that the camera work was very good. I didnt see a lot of shakiness to warrant anything on the camera man. I thought you had a giid use of music and the only think i would have liked to see was a lil bit more on the last sequence between the two guys. It ended a lil fast maybe rushed a lil bit.

But other than. I thought it was done pretty good. Nice job!!

Joseph Mason
December 9th, 2006, 03:19 PM
Derrick A. Jones, thanks for the comment!

I would've liked to see a longer sequence at the end as well. I wanted a longer shoot out scene --- maybe a little back and forth gun fire?

It just wasn't in the cards. Not enough time to film, and it wasn't exactly the best of places to film a shootout. It was a private building, with people walking in and out. I was just waiting for a few cops to interrupt our film and show us their handcuffs.


We all took turns filming, I tried to cut out as much unsteady frames as possible.