View Full Version : DV Capture problems on Pinnacle Sys DC1000

January 28th, 2002, 03:25 PM
Hi, I have a Pinnacle system's DC1000 capture cared on my machine. I have captured video via the composite and S-Video inputs. However, after I got my VX2000, I tried capturing video thoruh the DV input. The capture is choppy and has very low resolution when I look at it on the screen. I went to Device control and tried to set the device to VX2000 (in Premiere 6.0), but it would not do set it to the device, though the device was plugged in. Any inputs on this problem ??

January 28th, 2002, 07:30 PM
Coul be that your problem has more to do with Premiere than Pinnacle. You need to go to Adobe site and download the upgrade to Premiere that updates to version 6.1. This new update adds support for Sony DV cams among other things.

Give it a try and see if it works !

Adrian Douglas
January 29th, 2002, 01:04 AM
The DC1000 has been around for a while, long before the VX2000, make sure you also have the latest driver from Pinnacle and make sure it supports the VX2000. Pinnicle aren't to strong in the driver department, so check the Webboard for help.