View Full Version : Do I really need a G1?

Peter Ferling
November 30th, 2006, 10:10 AM
After all my research banter and hair pulling (what little I have left : ), it comes down to this: Do I really need a G1?

I don't do broadcast, and only 20% of my work will require green screen and effects work. However, I will upgrade to prospect for 10bit editing, even in HDV land. I will have an HD-SDI ingest card (the AJA) and a Sony LMD with HD-SDI for monitoring. Instead of the optional card of the G1, I can get an AJA HD10AVA card and go componet into that on cam, and still benefit from HD-SDI ingest as needed. My thinking is that live component will be enough resolution for green screen and effects works, that is still much higher quality than HDV over firewire.

Edit: forgot to mention that I can live with free-run timecode for mulitcam shoots, a nifty little idea, (thanks for that tip Pete).

With the $2000 difference in cost, I can upgrade my lighting kit, etc.

Does this seem logical?

Philip Williams
November 30th, 2006, 12:28 PM
Honestly, if it was my money, I'd save the 2K and go with component. I bet that money spent on your green screen and its related lighting would benefit your finished product more than SDI ingest.

Just an opinion of course.

Peter Ferling
November 30th, 2006, 01:01 PM
That's my thinking, and in an after thought, considered the fact that with multicam shoots and using different cameras, I would have to use component and would that really matter? So, it's really not a camera issue, but a media quality issue having to do with Prospect capture/ingest, so I asked a more direct question in the cineform forum:

Sorry, moderators, if I broke the rules, then please close this thread.

Peter Ferling
November 30th, 2006, 09:53 PM
I just solved my own two-cam-not-enough-money-do-I-really-need-a-G1 issue.

Instead of a two A1s, the money was right for one G1 and one HV10.
