View Full Version : Full Auto White Balance

Paul Jefferies
November 29th, 2006, 06:03 PM
Can someone clarify for me how Full Auto White Balance works on the HD101? Does it look for the brightest light source and assume this is white? I had a problem this week with a bright blue coloured light source gradually changing to a pale greyish blue during a shot, and I think it may be due to being accidentally on FAW, but I can't be sure...

Stephan Ahonen
November 29th, 2006, 08:12 PM
That is exactly correct. For best results use manual white balance only.

Marc Jayson
November 30th, 2006, 04:16 AM

What are you using for manual white balancing?
Just a simple white paper or the special cards?

Stephan Ahonen
December 1st, 2006, 01:36 AM

What are you using for manual white balancing?
Just a simple white paper or the special cards?

For the prices they charge for white cards, they'd better run the camera for me. =D I usually use the sheet of paper I printed my directions to the event on. When I'm in hectic shooting mode like a sporting event where I can't miss a play or whatever I'll just look for something that looks white, like a player or referee uniform, white shirt, lid of the gatorade jug, etc. As long as it's white. Or even just grey, which is really just a darker shade of white. For run and gun it's more about getting the shot on tape than having it look perfect. Of course if you can do both you get to charge more money. =D