Lisa Shofner
November 28th, 2006, 03:17 PM
Ok, did a couple searches and turned up nothing - not really sure what to search for with this issue. So, here goes:
I did some filming (obviously). Everything looked good on the LCD and in the viewfinder. However when I got back to the computer, loaded the video up on my 19" monitor (vs the 2" lcd)...i noticed that in the far upper right corner of the frame, some of my actors that aren't supose to be in frame were there. It's really really small, and when i remember to look it is easily noticable.
My question is, how do i fix it? I have the current Production Studio suite from adobe. Will I need to load each affected frame into photoshop and paint it out? Is there some sort of filter or something I can do in Premeire to fix it? Should I go into after effects for the fix?
My first thought was to just go the photoshop route - but normally my first thought is the hardest possible way to accomplish something.
Thank you for any tips you may have.
Kevin Dorsey
November 28th, 2006, 03:42 PM
It's difficult to give one answer, without handling the footage myself and experimenting to achieve the best results. But I would consider...Adding a letterbox, increasing the scale of the clip(slight quality loss), or use the clone tool in After Effects.
Most LCD camera monitors show the "overscan," not the full frame. So little things like booms, and actors, don't show up in the shot until you see the full frame captured into your NLE. If you watch the footage on a television you probably won't see the actors. Hope this helps.
Jon Jaschob
November 28th, 2006, 07:17 PM
all things being equal.. scale the frames up a little. I had a cardboard box in a shot that wasn't supposed to be there, scaling was the easiest option, but I have no idea what your really dealing with..
Joel Davis
November 28th, 2006, 08:49 PM
Import the clip into after effects and use the clone tool. I did this to clone out some specs of salt spray that were on my lens in a nice shot.
Lisa Shofner
November 29th, 2006, 10:49 AM
Thanks for the tips guys.
I looked into the 16:9 idea, but there was no way for that to work in the clip. So I used the clone tool in After Effects. This was my first time booting up after Effects, I think it turned out well though.
Thanks again.
Pete Bauer
November 29th, 2006, 11:20 AM
Sorry I'm responding a bit too late, but thought I'd share what I've done in a similar situation.
If you have a frame that shows the area, but without the people -- or can composite a still image of the area as if it is empty -- you can use AE Pro's Motion Tracking and a mask to pin that part of the "clean" image over the original footage. With a little futzing to get optimum settings, you may be able to get the mask to move, rotate, and scale with the original footage so that it blends right in, covering up the goof. An alternative would be to do much the same thing, but with a composited object to cover up the people at the edge of the frame..."hey, I didn't notice that big potted plant in the last scene!" ;-)
It wasn't easy, but I managed to change an actor's shirt in post. I wanted to insert a short clip from another scene where he was wearing a different shirt and just his (wrong) sleeve was showing in the lower left of the frame, in the foreground, while the camera was focused on another actor, center frame. So by taking a snippet from a frame showing the correct shirt, blurring the new sleeve layer a little, and motion tracking it in...voila, I got the look of both a shallower depth of field than was really shot, and was able to insert that brief clip where I wanted it without a break in continuity.
Otherwise, I agree, the cloning tool is your friend, even if a demanding one.