View Full Version : Back to tape problem

J. Geoff Malta
November 27th, 2006, 12:27 PM
I'm going to go out and get a new Firewire cable to narrow this problem down, but in the mean time, does anyone recognize this problem?

I used a TRV-950 to capture to Premiere Pro 1.5 on PC, and all was fine. However, trying to send it back out to tape, I get results like this:

Sample 1 (
Sample 2 (
Sample 3 (

I've tried 3 different cameras (another Sony, and also a Panasonic) with similar results.

Could it be that the firewire cable is bad, even though it works fine capturing to the PC, just not vice versa? Or what else could the problem be?



Wade Spencer
November 27th, 2006, 12:28 PM
Have you tried a new tape? Cleaned your heads recently?

J. Geoff Malta
November 27th, 2006, 12:40 PM
Have you tried a new tape? Cleaned your heads recently?

The symptoms show up on the LCD screens of 3 different cameras without even being in record mode... that's why I'm thinking it might be the firewire - but shouldn't a faulty cable be bad both ways (in and out)?

Leo Pepingco
November 27th, 2006, 04:10 PM
I'd suggest you test out that firewire cable again. In my experience, cables have become just as complex at the machines it connects to.

Having said that, it looks to me that between the tape and the computer itself, something is corrupting the data stream. I'd suggest starting a new project, import about 5 minutes of video, make a few cuts, a few transitions then export it to tape, and if it is the same, then you can also count the computer/program as part of the problem. If everything is fine, you just happen to have a corrupted project.

Keep testing until you cant eliminate any more potential problems. Once, I had about 5 potential problems with a project of mine... I narrowed it down to my computer's motherboard (it was cracked in one end.)

John Miller
November 28th, 2006, 11:25 AM
Try using a different program to send the DV back to tape.

e.g., Windows Movie Maker

Your first image shows that only part of the frame is being transmitted successfully and the rest of it is "bad". (The colors and the shape of the blocks give this away)

The other two images suggest a different problem. The apparent banding of two different images in one frame is something I've seen on a camcorder when playing back a tape.

Also, what happens when you try to send back the file that you captured without editing?

This would help narrow down any issues with Premiere.

J. Geoff Malta
November 28th, 2006, 01:04 PM
Okay, thanks for the ideas, guys, but no luck yet. A new firewire cable didn't help and playback (of unedited footage) through Movie Maker didn't help. It still records like Sample #1. I think I'll need to try on another machine next.... :/

J. Geoff Malta
November 29th, 2006, 12:52 PM
I loaded up PP1.5 on my buddy's laptop and it worked just fine. Capture, and back out to tape.

Guess it's time to upgrade my computer then! This one was a powerhouse when I built it almost 5 years ago -- guess it's getting grouchy in its old age. lol

Thanks again for your help!