View Full Version : editing 16:9

Mike Moncrief
March 26th, 2003, 02:20 AM

Are there any Non Linear editing solutions that are at the lower end of the $ scale that can edit the 16:9 footage out of the PDX10 ?? (sub $3000) Can the 16:9 footage be transferred via the firewire connector ??

Mike Moncrief

Zac Stein
March 26th, 2003, 02:36 AM
Umm, nearly all will.

Adobe Premiere or many peoples personal favorates, including mine, Vegas Video 4.0 will as well. They are around $400 mark from memory.

Yes about the firewire connector, that is how you tranfer the footage onto your computer.


P.s if you are on a mac, final cut pro will edit 16x9 footage as well.