View Full Version : Nice wedding effects..

Sean Seah
November 26th, 2006, 08:56 AM
Saw this nice butterflies n and flowers that burst into light rays.. can someone tell me how is it done? Something like After effects? BTW, anybody knows the song title? Thanks!

Nick Weeks
November 26th, 2006, 10:41 AM
It looks like they used a lot of different things from After Effects, but I don't know for sure. Maybe someone else can tell you that...

What I do know for sure is the song, it's Sunshine by Gabrielle

Richard Wakefield
November 27th, 2006, 03:31 AM
look, people keep personally emailing me asking me how i did this, how i did that.... that's not why i put the clip on this forum!
i'm normally ABSOLUTELY fine about sharing ideas but Sean, you're basically asking how did i do the majority of the creative things in my clip! u can see why that might seem a little unfair to someone that has slaved over and experimented with his NLE.

oh well, here it is then, don't want to be seen as someone who won't share his ideas:

basically, i scanned in the picture of the butterfly from the couple's wedding invite. then made 3 or 4 frames in photoshop to give the impression of wings flapping. then made a few-seconds looping animation from the psd file. in the NLE, i duplicated the animation to make several butterflies, moving them, and transforming them over the background (the wedding invite) to give the impression of movement and scale.

then for added realism, i put gaussian blur on the animation as it got near to the foreground. i could have put motion blur on them too, but they looked ok without it.


Peter Jefferson
November 27th, 2006, 07:05 AM
intersting way to do it, but particle illusion can do it in a matter of minutes with one frame as a source emitter....

someting to thik about anyway...

nice work either way

Richard Wakefield
November 27th, 2006, 07:37 AM
sorry Peter? i was talking about the butterfly animation...

but yes, particle illusion can make rays of light with source emitters, in a matter of mintes, as you say.

Steven Davis
November 27th, 2006, 07:38 AM
look, people keep personally emailing me asking me how i did this, how i did that.... that's not why i put the clip on this forum!
i'm normally ABSOLUTELY fine about sharing ideas but Sean, you're basically asking how did i do the majority of the creative things in my clip! u can see why that might seem a little unfair to someone that has slaved over and experimented with his NLE.

oh well, here it is then, don't want to be seen as someone who won't share his ideas:

basically, i scanned in the picture of the butterfly from the couple's wedding invite. then made 3 or 4 frames in photoshop to give the impression of wings flapping. then made a few-seconds looping animation from the psd file. in the NLE, i duplicated the animation to make several butterflies, moving them, and transforming them over the background (the wedding invite) to give the impression of movement and scale.

then for added realism, i put gaussian blur on the animation as it got near to the foreground. i could have put motion blur on them too, but they looked ok without it.


Well I couldn't see it, but I'll give you props for the creativity. That's the stuff that really seperates us from Uncle Fred, ok that and remembering where the lens cap is.

Sean Seah
November 27th, 2006, 10:06 AM
look, people keep personally emailing me asking me how i did this, how i did that.... that's not why i put the clip on this forum!
i'm normally ABSOLUTELY fine about sharing ideas but Sean, you're basically asking how did i do the majority of the creative things in my clip! u can see why that might seem a little unfair to someone that has slaved over and experimented with his NLE.

Oops, Sorry if I offended u. I put up this post as I really like what you did. I wasn't expecting to get a detailed answer but some ideas so I could do some exploration. I simply had no idea how to start!!!

Thanks for being such a gentleman to share. Thumbs up to u for your creativity!

Peter Jefferson
November 27th, 2006, 10:15 AM
sorry Peter? i was talking about the butterfly animation...

but yes, particle illusion can make rays of light with source emitters, in a matter of mintes, as you say.
yes, lights.. but butterflys as well.. ;)
and flowers and anythign else which can "burst" out... and yup, it even includes singular butterlfies fluttering about..

Richard Wakefield
November 27th, 2006, 02:55 PM
Peter, oh i see! damn, well i hope i took the slightly easier route of using Photoshop, coz i needed the butterflies to look exactly the same as the ones on the wedding invite, and that could have been alot more work with Particles!

Sean, awww, i feel bad now, sorry...let's just say i was having a bad day (in my main, full-time job)! i do enjoy sharing with people how i do stuff, just not all at once! So yeah, a combination of Premiere Pro, Photoshop, and After Effects is how i made all those effects, and seriously, if i can do it, anyone can!! it's just a case of searching hard for those spare hours in the day to do them in! :)

Kell Smith
February 20th, 2007, 02:43 PM
Amazing work on your site Richard!
Where can I learn more about that technique where part of the image stops, but rice, confetti, whatever keeps moving?

Peter Jefferson
February 20th, 2007, 06:58 PM
[QUOTE=Richard Wakefield]Peter, oh i see! damn, well i hope i took the slightly easier route of using Photoshop, coz i needed the butterflies to look exactly the same as the ones on the wedding invite, and that could have been alot more work with Particles!


actually, you can scan in an image and turn it into an emitter in PI.. the scanned butterfly would then BE the emitter itself :)

u know, i really do like your stuff, i mean your use of effects is extensive, but its not cheesy.. top stuff!

Mark Morikawa
February 20th, 2007, 08:38 PM
ok i just watched that clip and i am very impressed! i wish i had the time to learn all those effects. very cool stuff.

Kiflom Bahta
February 23rd, 2007, 06:58 AM
You can buy My 3D software and it will do it for ya

Steven Davis
February 23rd, 2007, 09:24 AM
Nice Stuff Richard, I like the freeze frame stuff with the b/w and color.

Richard Wakefield
February 23rd, 2007, 12:32 PM
thanks everyone for your comments....funny coz that highlights clip is getting so old now! i really must put a new one on! hmmm...where to find the time?!

ok, the confetti shot: (Kiflom - I've not heard of 'My 3D'... but here's how i did it)

method 1: I mucked around with Trapcode Particular in AE to generate slow, emitting particles from a source above the video, same colour as the video confetti, then '3D'-move through it over time....For added realism, I put that girl (on the right) on a separate layer, and moved her closely!)

method 2 (easier): simply make 2 or 3 layers of confetti (drawn yourself) move towards you at different rates over the video layer...this is not as '3D' as method 1 obviously but good if ur in a hurry i suppose


Peter Jefferson
February 24th, 2007, 09:54 AM
check out PI3, u can do this in realtime and in about less than 5mins

William W. Holcomb
March 1st, 2007, 12:41 AM
I can't get the video to play all the way through. It's always stops about a third of the way in and my computer freezes up.

From what I have seen, it's very well done! Would love to see the rest...

Richard Wakefield
March 1st, 2007, 01:15 AM
:) yeah, tell me about it! annoying isn't it!
hence i'm now in the process of uploading flash versions of my demos!

if you want to download it though, here's the link (right click, save target as):


Mark Morikawa
March 1st, 2007, 04:39 AM
thanks richard
hey what song is that in the clip?

Sean Seah
March 2nd, 2007, 07:32 AM
wats PI3? Some animation software right?

Vince Baker
March 6th, 2007, 08:18 AM
wats PI3? Some animation software right?

Partical Illusions 3, yes software.