View Full Version : Saving DV Rack Capture AVI

Plamen Petrov
November 25th, 2006, 06:53 AM
I am new to DV Rack. I made some custom adjustments of contrast, brightness, chroma, phaze in DV Rack panel. But then, when I watch captured AVI files, I see that they are raw, i.e without any changes applied.
So, how can I apply contrast, brightness, chroma and phaze changes to captured AVI files, so they to be processed with my settings???

Cary Lee
November 28th, 2006, 06:44 PM
You do it in your NLE and not in DV rack...It is intented to give you what is exactly being recorded on tape or Hard is not a NLE.

John Miller
November 28th, 2006, 08:40 PM
You may wish to try our Enosoft DV Processor. It does exactly what you want - i.e., you can correct white balance, phase etc etc in real time during the capture process....It has a waveform monitor, vectorscope etc. It works on live DV sources as well as precaptured files. It can also work from one DV device to another without having to capture anything.

Plamen Petrov
November 29th, 2006, 05:43 AM
You may wish to try our Enosoft DV Processor. It does exactly what you want - i.e., you can correct white balance, phase etc etc in real time during the capture process....It has a waveform monitor, vectorscope etc. It works on live DV sources as well as precaptured files. It can also work from one DV device to another without having to capture anything.
I downloaded it, but it is just a capture software. Where is the waveform monitor, vectroscope, etc? There are not any correction options there.

John Miller
November 29th, 2006, 05:57 AM
I downloaded it, but it is just a capture software. Where is the waveform monitor, vectroscope, etc? There are not any correction options there.

Please look at the Help file provided (version 0.18). When you open the file, you will see a screen shot. In the lower part is the "Proc Amp" and it shows the waveform monitor and vectorscope. You can click on the picture in the Help file to take you to the more detailed explanation of the Proc Amp.

Cary Lee
November 29th, 2006, 05:48 PM
That is why serious magics dvrack was the first to come up with can download the demo for free at there are 2 versions one for SD and the other is for HD. PS they are now part of adobe family of products. There is also some tutorials in the website if you already own it. But you should be able to adjust all you settings on your camera before you shoot so you don't have to do too much in post.