View Full Version : Warms cards with HD110u?

Sal C. Martin
November 25th, 2006, 03:25 AM
I know that the Camera does AWB. Do you guys think that warm cards are a waste of money?

So far my video has looked great after I white balance but I'm wondering if warm cards are worth it.


Stephan Ahonen
November 25th, 2006, 01:20 PM
A warm card is useful if you want a warmer look out of your scene than a white balance on something actually white would give you. The value of a warm card therefore depends on the value of this look to you. Since most of the people around here tend to shoot with TC and color correct in post, and white balance is a very simple adjustment, it might not be too worthwhile for them. On the other hand, if you prefer to apply as much of your look in camera as possible, a warm card might be just the thing. Or you can go into the menu and adjust the R+B paint in the camera.

Keith Gruchala
November 25th, 2006, 04:49 PM
If you call up Rosco or Lee gels and be nice, they will send you a gel swatch book that has 4X4 or 4X5" squares of their entire line of cine gels. I keep this in a nice filter pouch and just hold a slice of 1/8 CTB (blue) in front of the lens and aim it at a white card (usually just a chunk of foamcore). The CTB of course makes the AWB put more warmth in and when you remove the gel then your scene is exactly shifted 1/8 toward warm. The great thing is you can combine other combinations for heavier effects and even use the plus and minus green grades to try and match up better for florescent bulbs (especially if they are mixed and you want to stick with one as a cast) Because of the match to actual gels you then can use over the lights, you can be sure of where the cameras AWB is at while you perhaps color correct certain lights to match or perhaps not to match on purpose.

Jack Walker
November 26th, 2006, 01:45 AM
As pointed out, there are other ways to change the white balance than using warm cards. There are also warming filters, frequently working in conjunction with a softening effect (though, unlike film that has a set color temperature, the video camera has to be white balanced before adding the warming filter.)

However, the warm cards are convenient to use. A lot of people use them.

In addition to the standard set there is an add on set with other gradations that sometimes is more useful.

If you are going to warm the scene the warm cards give you a series of gradations that will be repeatable and as I said the cards are convenient.

Some people warm the video for interviews of people with different skin tones. You might have a certain warm card for specific skin colors as your standard interview technique. In the interviews that are added as extras on movie DVDs Black actors are frequently shot with a warmer scene than a standard white balance. The warmer white balance enhances the skin tones and also adds a richness and comfortability to the scene.

If you do a lot of this kind of thing, the warm cards give you a quick way to get the exact warmness you want no matter what the lighting situation.

The cards go in a nice holder and fit comfortably out of the way when you don't need them in most camera cases.

But they aren't necessary -- only a tool that makes repeatably warming a scene quick and convenient.

Stephen L. Noe
November 26th, 2006, 02:02 AM
Another solution that is convenient as well is the "Whitepaint" settings right in the camera. You can whitebalance and get your whitepoint and then go into the menu and dial in a warm or cool (global) setting easily.

It's not a bad idea to check your manual for the "whitepaint" setting and give it a try.