View Full Version : Wedding Highlight

Jerome Terry
November 24th, 2006, 10:16 AM

Please check out this wedding highlight demo. I have been working on becoming a wedding videographer for a year now but I have never posting anything on the web for review by others.



Rick Steele
November 24th, 2006, 11:14 AM
A bit too much b-roll at the beginning for my tastes but you did a very nice job. They will like this very much.

I noticed you had to contend with a photographer who decided to camp out in the center aisle at ground zero and never move. Nice job of integrating the 2nd cam.

Jerome Terry
November 24th, 2006, 03:04 PM
Thanks Rick. I didn't realize how much b roll I had in the openning. I was trying to pace the video clips with the music, so myy scenes moved alittle slow. There were two photographers. One shooting film and the other digital. Everywhere I went, they showed up. The couple really liked their video. I'm working on taking my skills up another notch. Thanks for your comments.
