View Full Version : Main Concept 2.0.1

Gerson Becker
November 23rd, 2006, 05:35 AM
Anyone tried the new Main Concept 2.0.1 plugin?

Tip McPartland
November 23rd, 2006, 01:02 PM

I've just upgraded from 2.0.0 which had some MAJOR problems. One thing that was fixed was the 5 minutes it took to open a project was reduced to a very reasonable 30 seconds for so. For a while I thought the old version was freezing the computer.

Playback seems jerkier, with strange flashes at cuts that weren't there before the upgrade, this seems to happen only at the start of playback. Definitely no improvement on playback over 2.0.0.

Audio sync on my system is still terrible if you use their kludgy external monitor scheme (standard def via firewire through a DV device).

The Vegas MainConcept implementation, which comes free with Vegas, plays back much better with solid audio sync, but uses the identical and very annoying SD firewire device monitoring scheme.

I haven't had much time with the new version yet, but so far I am still praying for a Cineform solution like I had with HDV which offered HD monitoring and good sound sync.

On the plus side, you can edit with this. Scrubbing is fine, playback function such as it is, and there are some good export options which I haven't fully explored yet, or made to work.

All of the above is with 35 Mb/s XDCAM HD footage. If using HDV, just get Cineform instead, it works VERY well.


Gerson Becker
November 23rd, 2006, 03:06 PM
Hi Tip,
I tried a little, and the plugin keeps me telling that there is not enought memory all the time.
Playback is jerky. It´s unusable.
Forget. I´m gonna wait for another solution.
Thanks Tip.
