View Full Version : CLIP TO SHOW: Montage Web Demo

Richard Wakefield
November 23rd, 2006, 04:41 AM
Hi all,

Just my latest web demo, made from a montage of previous weddings, that i thought i'd share with you.
I'm getting more and more experienced with 3rd party plugins so I hope this shows through with the lighting effects and the 'slightly-cheesy' heart-cloud and confetti shot!


Vincent Croce
November 23rd, 2006, 09:49 AM
Morning, Rich-
This clip had me taking notes on good use of fx, both the particle ones and the subject cutout separating from the bground. I don't think you used any of those fx in a cheesy way at all. Very classy--I enjoyed it all. The one thing I might change (if you're going to use this as a demo to show clients--sounds like you are) is to use the audio when someone is speaking...
Thanks for sharing.

Richard Wakefield
November 23rd, 2006, 02:32 PM
cheers vince, glad i can provide inspiration! the creative fx are the parts i enjoy doing the most...the particles and particle trackings especially are a steep learning curve process but well worth it, once you get quicker at it :)

i definitely agree about the need for VO...the trouble is, it's a very compact demo with lots of weddings, so it proved difficult to section out any one set of vows/spoken parts, without breaking the flow too you can hear though, i managed to squeeze in 2 spoken clips: 1 funny and 1 romantic!


Vincent Croce
November 23rd, 2006, 07:19 PM
I agree about the value of particle fx as I've grown very attached to using them myself (Particle Illusion). Keep up the nice work, Rich, and if this is a good sampling of your work you shouldn't have any worries about being overly cheesy...
Happy holidays!

Rick Steele
November 23rd, 2006, 11:15 PM
Hi all,

Just my latest web demo, made from a montage of previous weddings, that i thought i'd share with you.
I'm getting more and more experienced with 3rd party plugins so I hope this shows through with the lighting effects and the 'slightly-cheesy' heart-cloud and confetti shot!

RichardKept my interest all the way through. A good balance of "cheese" and other FX. A lot of people are tempted to pile on the cheese like an 8 topping pizza - not the case in this piece :)

Nicely done and thanks for sharing it.

Vince Lucena
November 24th, 2006, 09:46 AM
I thought it was engaging as well. I was wondering what it would look like if those picture frame FX's were done in reverse. Ahh the joy of experimentation :)

Fred Tims
November 24th, 2006, 10:26 AM
I enjoyed the video. I also liked the song. What is it?

Richard Wakefield
November 25th, 2006, 02:04 AM
Vince, hmmm, reverse photoframes...great idea!

Fred, the song is Gabrielle-Sunshine


David Mathew Bonner
November 25th, 2006, 03:11 AM
very few wedding videos can hold me till the end, this one did.
It was great and should help you open and close many deals.

Nicely done, well shot and some tight editing.
