View Full Version : Image Shifting in HD100U?

Stu Brumbaugh
November 22nd, 2006, 02:46 PM
Has anyone had problems with imageshifting during a slow tilt up on the HD100U. It's as if the CCD's shift in the camera and cause the image to "jump" a few frames to catch up. I have been shooting a feature using the same settings and this issue has just started and will only occur when the camera is warm. Maybe time to send into JVC service? Just wanted to know if anyone else has had same problem, Cheers.

Barry Green
November 22nd, 2006, 05:03 PM
How slow of a pan are you talking about? If it's really slow, could this be a different manifestation of the "threshhold" situation Adam Wilt brought up in his review?

Carl Hicks
November 22nd, 2006, 05:46 PM
Has anyone had problems with imageshifting during a slow tilt up on the HD100U. It's as if the CCD's shift in the camera and cause the image to "jump" a few frames to catch up. I have been shooting a feature using the same settings and this issue has just started and will only occur when the camera is warm. Maybe time to send into JVC service? Just wanted to know if anyone else has had same problem, Cheers.

Since you've aparently had the camera a while working OK and now it's not working OK, it sounds like it needs to be looked at by service. Take it to our service center in Cypress, Ca.

George Strother
November 22nd, 2006, 07:11 PM
Are you seeing this on camera playback from tape or on a computer monitor after capture?

Werner Wesp
November 23rd, 2006, 02:17 AM
How slow of a pan are you talking about? If it's really slow, could this be a different manifestation of the "threshhold" situation Adam Wilt brought up in his review?

That could only be a few pixels before the encoder starts to notice (and it could be a maximum of 6 frames, because then there's a new I-frame) - quite hard to spot then. I suppose this is more visible?

If you are just previewing on an external monitor, that could be it, because there is some delay on the video-out...

Stu Brumbaugh
November 24th, 2006, 02:41 PM
Hello all, thanks for the responses, This issue is "in camera" for sure... I.E. not a video tap issue. I do see the "Image Shift" on the external monitor and the view finder when it happens. But, it registers to tape as well. The tilts can vary from slow to a little faster (No Whip Pans or Tilts). It almost feels like it's mechanical and not software or firmware related. I have changed some settings in the camera and it still seems to be an issue but only when the camera has warmed up a while. "Maybe I'll have to shoot the rest of this picture in the artic... or just ship it off to Cypress. I've sent the camera to Cypress twice already for other issues... Maybe I got the lemon of the bunch? Cheers.

Stu Brumbaugh
January 7th, 2007, 03:19 PM
Once again thanks for the responses. After sending camera to Cypress for repair, I recieved word back that the "optical block" had to replaced. So if you are having this issue on your camera, This might be a factor for you to consider. P.S. almost done shooting the feature film "Iron Ridge" on HD100U. Check out small trailer at Cheers, Stu