View Full Version : WA Glass for Z1

Doug Mayor
November 20th, 2006, 05:21 PM
Hello Everyone

I'm a newbe here, so if this question has been answered previously w/other threads, please post the links. Thanks, in advance.

Have been using a Z1 for several months. Shoot a lot of documentary-style close, group activity programs and need a wider view than the attached Zeiss glass can deliver.
Am considering the Century .8 WA, the Sony WA, and the 16X9 .7 WA.

I would like to maintain a very sharp image as these programs will be released in a variety of formats including Blueray, DVD HD.

Anyone out there with any experience w/the above WA glass choices?

Have been very impressed w/your collective ability to deliver honest concise and relevant info. on this web site. Keep up the great work!

Doug Mayor

Gene Crucean
November 20th, 2006, 05:58 PM
I have the 16x9 WA and it seems to be pretty nice. It's not quite as crisp as without it but that's expected.

I can post some clips if you'd like.

Duncan Craig
November 20th, 2006, 06:03 PM
I've had the Sony WA since I bought my Z1, 18 months ago. It's never taken off. Great piece of glass.

But I couldn't compare it to any other adaptor.

What I would say is I have compared Sony WA HG adaptor to a Optex model for my Sony VX2000 and the Sony won hands down, with less CA and lens flare from lighting on set.

Boyd Ostroff
November 20th, 2006, 06:12 PM
I'm a newbe here, so if this question has been answered previously w/other threads, please post the links.

Welcome to DVinfo Doug! Have a look at the following:

Doug Mayor
November 20th, 2006, 11:20 PM
Thanks so much, Boyd et als. I believe that you've opened my eyes to the real WA possibilities available.

This makes so much more sense to go w/.6 or .5 WA glass.

Appreciate all the links to previous threads.
