View Full Version : Love Story + SDE

Daniel Boswell
November 19th, 2006, 08:31 PM
Couple has a unique story. They have known each other since they were 5.

Music was choosen by clients. Its a little too classical for me..but they both played violin so they wanted it.

It also has a short SDE (same day edit) at the end. This full clip was screened at the reception.

Jason Robinson
November 20th, 2006, 05:08 PM
Couple has a unique story. They have known each other since they were 5.

Music was choosen by clients. Its a little too classical for me..but they both played violin so they wanted it.

It also has a short SDE (same day edit) at the end. This full clip was screened at the reception.

Unless you have monster / unlimited bandwidth (does the .mac account give you that) consider rendering a lower res / shorter version so the download isn't 104MB. I posted on clip of mine (first ever actually) and it ran up 1GB in bandwidth in 4 days on a 15MB file. So consider that i had ~110 downloads so that might hit you up to ~11GB.


Jason Robinson
November 20th, 2006, 05:58 PM
Couple has a unique story. They have known each other since they were 5.

Music was choosen by clients. Its a little too classical for me..but they both played violin so they wanted it.

It also has a short SDE (same day edit) at the end. This full clip was screened at the reception.

Ahhh bach Cello. I have used that piece from the same publication (set of complete bach cello suites) for a wedding introduction and it works very well for a formal mood. I might be in the minority of producers because I use almost exclusively classical music. For one, it is easier to get the license for the music, and secondly the library of possible themes and moods is wider than anything else I have seen.

Daniel Boswell
November 20th, 2006, 06:05 PM
Unless you have monster / unlimited bandwidth (does the .mac account give you that) consider rendering a lower res / shorter version so the download isn't 104MB. I posted on clip of mine (first ever actually) and it ran up 1GB in bandwidth in 4 days on a 15MB file. So consider that i had ~110 downloads so that might hit you up to ~11GB.


.Mac accounts have unlimited bandwith.

Jason Robinson
November 20th, 2006, 06:26 PM
I work a lot with the Ken Burns effect of slow pans, zooms, across still photos so I liked your style to start with. A few pointers:

1) Crop images that have white borders (probably due to scanning issues)
2) Don't end a zoom / pan before the fade starts. It makes the pan/zoom look a bit unplaned. Either slow the zoom / pan down so that the time needed is filled or start the cut / fade sooner.
3) VERY nice use of dialog / interviews. I like how you have some segments about 20 seconds of just music with the photos before the next interview.
4) The guys voice levels are a bit subdued compared to the background music at times. Consider adjusting the music levels down (slow changes of course) so his dialog is more prominet when compared to the music (specifically around 8:20)
5) I notice that most of the photos immediately before interview footage have a hard cut, and all photo transitiosn are crossfades (my favorite). This ends up making the transition to video very abrupt. Not sure specifically what to offer on that.... possibly a short crossfade (15 frames or less) or a fade to black/white and backup.
6) Most of your still photo effects are zooming in. Consider mixing slow pans or rotations with the zooms. The zoom effect (as others have told me of my sample) can get overused if continually in, in, in.

General comments: Who did the photos of the couple with the nice use of the depth of field (brick wall shot at 13:06). Just curious because I really like that shot. :-)

The couples story is amazing of course, especially considering the time span. Glad they had a love story made because that kind of story just is great for our medium.... a love story movie.

Despite the above comments sounding nit-picky, I loved your story and thought it flowed well. Over all run time is good 17 minutes.


Maurice O Carroll
November 21st, 2006, 01:28 PM
You've already proven yourself to be a cut above, Daniel, and you've produced some wonderful and memorable video over the past couple of years that I've known you.

For me, this video is your best work to date that you've shared with us... You've moved up a gear and all your clients are lucky people!!!


Daniel Boswell
November 21st, 2006, 09:57 PM
You've already proven yourself to be a cut above, Daniel, and you've produced some wonderful and memorable video over the past couple of years that I've known you.

For me, this video is your best work to date that you've shared with us... You've moved up a gear and all your clients are lucky people!!!


Is this my man Mo? (thought your last name was Sir?)

Thanks are too kind.

Maurice O Carroll
November 22nd, 2006, 05:17 AM
Someone else in their infinite wisdom decided my surname was Sirr... and I conveniently hid behind it for awhile because it I found it a tad funny.

Too kind? You know me - love or it hate it I'll say it as I see it.


Daniel Boswell
November 22nd, 2006, 11:33 AM
Someone else in their infinite wisdom decided my surname was Sirr... and I conveniently hid behind it for awhile because it I found it a tad funny.

Too kind? You know me - love or it hate it I'll say it as I see it.


LOL..too funny. Thought was a very "un-Irish" name. :)

David Mathew Bonner
November 25th, 2006, 03:45 AM
pretty slick Dee Boz

Mike F Smith
November 26th, 2006, 08:10 PM
This is a lot of nice work. I do echo what Jason has said. I also was distracted by the background composition of the broll interviews. I didn't like the fireplace mantel right at face level and the round plate later on. I found that distracting.


Louis Maddalena
November 30th, 2006, 07:13 PM
Very good video!

I have 2 questions:
1) How much did you charge? (if you are willing to share that information)
2) How did you get them to talk in such detail and not just answer your questions out right? (that is a problem I have, no matter I I phrase the question its always a 2 sentence answer)

Daniel Boswell
November 30th, 2006, 07:39 PM
Very good video!

I have 2 questions:
1) How much did you charge? (if you are willing to share that information)
2) How did you get them to talk in such detail and not just answer your questions out right? (that is a problem I have, no matter I I phrase the question its always a 2 sentence answer)


That package was $3500.

I had a really articulate couple I guess. I didn't do anything special other just have a conversation with them.

Waldemar Winkler
December 1st, 2006, 08:36 PM
Clean and simple and to the point. I have always felt the use of still images made so much more visual sense in the summary forms of wedding videos than real time... it gives the viewer time for revisiting memories. In any case you have made a remarkably good blend of past and present. The story is well said.

Dave Lammey
December 3rd, 2006, 06:41 AM
Great job, Daniel, great use of music, timing, etc. $3500 for all of that including SDE and all day wedding coverage? You should have charged at least twice that.

Dave Lammey
December 3rd, 2006, 06:42 AM
Clean and simple and to the point. I have always felt the use of still images made so much more visual sense in the summary forms of wedding videos than real time... it gives the viewer time for revisiting memories. In any case you have made a remarkably good blend of past and present. The story is well said.

Well put, Waldemar ... the true potential of a still can best be realized in a movie, ironic isn't it ...

Daniel Boswell
December 6th, 2006, 09:25 PM
Great job, Daniel, great use of music, timing, etc. $3500 for all of that including SDE and all day wedding coverage? You should have charged at least twice that.

Thansk Dave and Waldemar!