View Full Version : Need some advice on how to duplicate mini-dv tapes cheaply

Jon Kelib
March 24th, 2003, 01:19 PM
Hi There Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone would know of a cost effective way of creating dups of mini-dv tapes. My cousin told me that there is a way you can connect two GL1’s together and create a mini-dv dup in that way.

I was wondering if anyone would like to share more information about this procedure and what type of wires I would need to connect the two cameras.



K. Forman
March 24th, 2003, 02:05 PM
I would think that connecting two cams together would just create more wear and tear on their transports and heads. In the long run, it would be the more expensive route.

A mini DV deck, while costly to start, would be cheaper in the long run, much cheaper than a GL2. Capture to your NLE, and then record to the deck.

Jon Kelib
March 24th, 2003, 02:19 PM
Thanks Keith for the advice, I guess I'm better off just getting a tape deck for now.

Thanks again


Bill Pryor
March 24th, 2003, 05:21 PM
A tape deck would be an ideal solution, but you still have to use one of the cameras for a player. If you simply hook up one camera to the other via the firewire cable, designate one camera as the player, the other as the recorder. You can make quite a few dubs with no problem. When you use a camera as a deck controlled by an editing system, then you are putting a lot more mechanical wear and tear on it. Still, it's not an ideal situation to use cameras as decks, in my opinion.