Frank Granovski
November 18th, 2006, 04:10 AM
Any good or hokey?
View Full Version : has anyone seen the new Bond yet? Frank Granovski November 18th, 2006, 04:10 AM Any good or hokey? William Brunk November 18th, 2006, 08:34 AM IMO By far fewer gadgets. Grittier. Only one "Bondism" that I recall. More realistic in that Bond takes some hits and it shows. Craig seems to be a good actor. The girl wears way too much make up most of the time. She looks far better with less. (Connery is still the best) Greg Boston November 18th, 2006, 08:43 AM Frank, I haven't seen it but it's getting great reviews by the local tv critics. The consensus is that it departs from the cheesy Bond movies of the past and is much more dark and serious, like the Batman movies. -gb- Barry Gribble November 18th, 2006, 08:45 AM I personally think that it was the best Bond film ever - and I am a big Bond fan. The previous recent films had gotten so hokey to me, trying to one-up the previous with the craziest gadgets and stunts - ending last time with Bond driving an invisible car and surfing 40 foots waves off Iceland using only piece of plane reckage and a parachute. It just got to be too much. They finally modernized the franchise (ironically by going back to when he first gained 007 status). This film had stronger characters (including Bond), a good plot, and some great action. The direction was strong, the acting was good, he cinematography was very nice. I highly reccomend it. Lorinda Norton November 18th, 2006, 09:55 AM I agree with everything Barry said; for me it's the best Bond film ever. When I saw last summer that Daniel Craig had been cast I thought I'd hate it, but he did a fabulous job. He's exactly what I think the Bond character should be, and this is coming from a Sean Connery fan! Frank Granovski November 18th, 2006, 06:48 PM I guess I'll take the wife along since we are both Sean Bond fans. I hardly go to movies any more. Now I'll have to find where it's playing with included parking. No, I don't want to drive to Richmond, or worse, Surrey. Thanks for the feedback. Nick Weeks November 18th, 2006, 11:03 PM I agree with everyone so far. No special gadgets (a few, but not spectacular... plus "Q" never makes an appearance here). It's very much more realistic, but also very entertaining. I also got tired of all the cheesy lines that came to be with Pierce Brosnan. I also originally hated that Daniel Craig was going to be bond, but I was stunned by his performance. Chris Cornell does the opening song, which is OK, but Goldfinger is still my favorite :) Highly recommended for any Bond fan Barry Gribble November 20th, 2006, 07:21 AM I was bummed to see that CR came in second in the weekend gross race... but then I clicked through to find it came in second with $40M+. I don't think anyone is minding that. Nick Weeks November 20th, 2006, 08:02 AM That's quite impressive, it also got a 95% on, which is equally as impressive. Also, does anyone know what gun Craig is holding in the last scene of the movie? It almost looks like some type of HK, but I'm almost sure they'd use a Walther. I can't seem to find much info on this yet... Barry Gribble November 20th, 2006, 08:23 AM I read somewhere else that they went back to the PPK on this one, having switched a while back. Steven Davis November 20th, 2006, 08:33 AM I can't get past the 'blond' bond enough to watch it. It would be like seeing Charlie Brown in a purple shirt. Barry Gribble November 20th, 2006, 09:01 AM I understand that being a big Connery fan, but I can pretty much promise it won't even cross your mind after the first 5 minutes... I truly didn't even notice until someone mentioned it after. Nick Weeks November 20th, 2006, 10:52 AM Sean Connery is still the best, I agree, but I think Daniel Criag is a close second... despite being blonde. I went into this movie with low expectations and was blown away before the title screen even played. I'm actually going to see this a second time tonight, it was that good. Ken Willinger November 20th, 2006, 10:49 PM Excellent film. I liked the B&W segment and the Film Noiresque take they did on it. Also some very cool lensing and angles throughout the film. The lighting in some of the interior car scenes was very nice. Lighting in cars can be very tough. Really good action scenes that keep you on the edge of your seat. This actor is as good as Connery ever was as Bond...and I didn't expect that. It's good to have Bond back!! Kevin Shaw November 20th, 2006, 10:53 PM The previous recent films had gotten so hokey to me, trying to one-up the previous with the craziest gadgets and stunts - ending last time with Bond driving an invisible car and surfing 40 foots waves off Iceland using only piece of plane reckage and a parachute. Which movie was that? I must have missed one. Lorinda Norton November 20th, 2006, 11:37 PM That was "Die Another Day" in 2002--with Halle Berry. Dana Acciavatti November 20th, 2006, 11:41 PM When I first heard Daniel Craig was the new Bond, I thought he was totally miscast for the role. To me, he looked more like a Bond villian than Bond. As the trailers came out, I started to think, maybe he can pull it off after all. When the good reviews started to pour in, I was excited to see the movie. I saw the film opening night. The opening credits were the most colorful opening credits I can remember for a Bond film. I thought Daniel Craig was actually very good in the role. The film, and his interpretation of 007, captured the flavor of the Connery Bond films for me. Craig may not be the best looking, or most sophisticated Bond, but he is definately one of the most believable Bonds. His steely cold eyes make you believe he could kill without hesitation, yet he's just as believable making a quip, romancing a woman, or showing a vulnerable, tender side. It took less time for me to get used to him as the new Bond then it has for me to get used to other actors who were just taking over the role. I also like seeing a somewhat softer side of M in this film, as well. My only real criticism is that the villian wasn't the most effectual villian you'll ever see in a Bond film and that the film seemed slightly anticlimatic - puttering out a bit at the last few minutes, that is, until the very last shot which was a like a sudden shot in the arm, that really closed the deal for me that Craig was now 007, and made me very eager for the next film in the series to come out. Still, it was a very good Bond film, and a great debut for Craig as the newest 007, and I think most Bond fans will really like it. Frank Granovski November 21st, 2006, 04:55 AM One of the last 2, not counting the new one. Kevin Shaw November 24th, 2006, 12:46 AM ...the film seemed slightly anticlimatic - puttering out a bit at the last few minutes... I felt the same way and didn't find some of Bond's actions near the end believable, but overall I enjoyed the movie. Lots of twists and turns and action, and some good humor interwoven with grittier elements. "A little to the left" will either make you laugh or wince after you see this film... :-) Keith Loh November 24th, 2006, 11:45 AM A very stellar Bond and interesting that it is Martin Campbell again who jump-started the Brosnan series of Bond's with "Goldeneye", the only Bond of that era I would watch again. I'm not a poker player so I was pretty lost in the second act but I guess it is only useful for the audience to know that someone is winning and someone is losing. But it never lost its keen edge throughout. Lots was happening and Daniel Craig really made Bond a human again. The opening was truly thrilling and kept on going and going. In the third act I lost the plot a bit but I was willing to forgive it because it was just so well made up to that point. Hugh DiMauro December 13th, 2006, 12:37 PM I'm sold on Daniel Craig and the direction the series now takes. I find it personally difficult to compare the new Casino Royale with any preceeding Bond movie only because today's younger audiences won't settle for anything less than a constant barrage of action. Just try to get a teen to watch "From Russia With Love." I bet he poo poos it. The old Bonds are for us old timers. :-) Angela Frasure December 14th, 2006, 10:51 AM First of all, Hugh your not that old, and I've seen them all. But I agree, this is going to be a new chaper in Bond world that is very good. Loved Daniel Craig as Bond! The movie was very well done and thought out. Hugh DiMauro December 14th, 2006, 02:41 PM I am old! I'm 35 with 9 years experience! That's old! Heck, I'm so old that at a restaurant when I order a three minute egg, the waiter makes me pay up front! ba dump CHA! |