Andzei Matsukevits
November 18th, 2006, 03:46 AM
what are these things and whats the difference between them?
View Full Version : redhead, brunette, blonde lighting Andzei Matsukevits November 18th, 2006, 03:46 AM what are these things and whats the difference between them? thanx Dan Brockett November 18th, 2006, 12:37 PM Dan Andzei Matsukevits November 19th, 2006, 04:26 AM are they giving different temperature light or something? Vincent Rozenberg November 19th, 2006, 04:53 AM Never heard of brunette though. So the wattage is the difference. Charles Papert November 19th, 2006, 11:44 AM Never heard brunette either. Yes, it's just the size (i.e. wattage) that distinguishes the two. Most often these units are used as bounces, often into 4x8 foamcore. Good spread and punch for the wattage. Dan Brockett November 19th, 2006, 11:48 PM Hi all: If you think about it, the Redhead is only an average deal. It's $339.00 for a 1k open face, but that price includes the barndoors and the accessory holder. The full set of matching scrims is $72.00. So for a little over $400.00, you are good to go. The same specs for the Arrilite 1k is $394.00 for the same with barndoors and a full set of scrims. You do have to be careful about which positions you leave these open faced 1Ks in, the ones with the resin bodies like the Redhead or the Arrilite. I have used many of these and own two of them (Arris) and if you use them at weird angles, they can get hot enough to melt the resin bodies of the lights. It happens a lot. An open face 1K is a good light to have around, provides enough punch to still use as a key in interior daylight shots when you have to use full CTB or a dichroic to match daylight. For darker interiors, I usually prefer something smaller through a small Chimera, like a 600 watt Arrilite or a 650 fresnel. Best, Dan Andzei Matsukevits November 20th, 2006, 07:55 AM i dunno how its there, but over here, there no point of buying any light, coz rental is quite cheap. e.g Arri 2000w $16/day. Arri 650w $8/day and so on... Andzei Matsukevits November 20th, 2006, 08:07 AM i dunno how its there, but over here, there no point of buying any light, coz rental is quite cheap. e.g Arri 2000w $16/day. Arri 650w $8/day and so on... Emre Safak November 30th, 2006, 05:27 PM At those rates who wouldn't rent! Wish it were so here ... The local rental store ( charges $85/day for a small ARRI kit. Bill Davis December 4th, 2006, 07:25 PM I gotta kinda disagree with the "better to rent" idea when it comes to lighting gear. For two reasons. But first a disclaimer. If you're just starting out or otherwise broke - renting better lighting gear is often smarter than settling for Home Depot shop lights - unless that's all you can do. Then just do it and don't let anyone tell you not to. Use what you can get cuz the whole goal is to LEARN. And you can only learn while you're actually pointing a camera at something that's got light falling on it. Period. That said, Reason 1 for buying over renting is that good grip gear holds value better than ANY other purchase you'll make. My Arri kit, bought used 16 years ago is now worth MORE than I paid for it. So if I sell it tomorrow, I get all my money back, PLUS all the money it's made me. Hate depreciation? Buy good grip gear. Second reason is more important. Lighting doesn't happen at the lighting instrurment - it happens in the BRAIN of the person doing the lighting. Owning your own gear. Even if it's just one light - helps you learn faster than trying to experiment on location when you're under the gun. Want to know how soft or hard the shadow of that cookie you're thinking of using on a backlight gag will be if you set your insturment 10 feet from the back wall? Try it and see. BEFORE you show up to shoot. Lighting is like learning to play the piano. The ONLY way to get good at it is practice, practice practice - and practice is hard if you have to pay rental fees every time you sit down to play. My 2 cents worth anyway. |