View Full Version : Wedding Retrospective.. work in progress from VM

Michael Padilla
November 16th, 2006, 09:49 PM
I normally don't do this but I am posting a "Work in Progress" piece.. check it out:

It's only halfway worked on and some of the effects you can't see (due to compression)

Nick Weeks
November 16th, 2006, 10:04 PM
I really like your style... the edits seem to fit the music very nicely. At first I didn't care for the music, but it turned out better than I expected. I'm very interested in seeing the finished product! I like what you did with the colors throughout the video, really gives it a lot of depth. Overall, very nice work!

What kind of stabilizer/cam are you using?

Michael Padilla
November 16th, 2006, 10:26 PM
Varizoom Aviator
There's more info on our website and on VariZooms website

Colors and effects (which you can't detect) is from magic bullet

The songs I don't choose.. so I'm happy when they pick one with some beats to cut to :)

Peter Jefferson
November 17th, 2006, 02:42 AM
i like
not too keen on teh overuse of teh .3 fisheye though.. maybe correct it in post.. and only use the bent shots for specifics such as cakes and locations

Michael Padilla
November 17th, 2006, 02:50 AM
I'm a big fan of the fisheye.. its very creative and most videographers don't use they're *creative* licence enough; its just a tool we like to use anong with the manual lens for fast zooms and the stabilizer for flowing shots.

Michael Padilla
November 17th, 2006, 03:06 AM
Oh sorry Nick I forgot to mention the camera:
XL2; manual lens; century optics fisheye for 20x;

Also I saw your vid post.. don't be afraid of the manual lens.. its your friend.. learn how to keep it steady & use its edgy unstableness for a more filmic look.. this will come with more experiance and getting that "EYE" for film/angles/framing etc.

Peter Jefferson
November 17th, 2006, 04:39 AM
michael, dont get me wrong, i love the fisheye myself, but what i meant was that when its overused (like on human characters) it seems to be overused sometimes. I believe that certain effects and imagery carry more of an impact when theyre use is subtle.. or more specifically, used for specific types of shots (such as crane like movements and steadycam walks)

This is no reflection upon your own work. I love this piece

Nick Weeks
November 17th, 2006, 08:07 AM
Also I saw your vid post.. don't be afraid of the manual lens.. its your friend.. learn how to keep it steady & use its edgy unstableness for a more filmic look.. this will come with more experiance and getting that "EYE" for film/angles/framing etc.

I used the manual lens for all my weddings this year, but I recently had one come up after I sold my XL1s and manual lens, and had to use my VX2100 and a second VX2100. Now that I used that cam with its stabilization (not the best, but it helps) I think that's the best way I can go for now.

I absolutely loved the manual lens when I was using it, and of course I may eventually get it (or the manual HD when they release it) and an XL H1, but for now the A1 is looking very promising.

The fisheye shots didn't really bother me too much, I think they add a nice touch. I didn't think they were overused in your video.

Michael Padilla
November 17th, 2006, 10:14 AM
Nick I havent seen any other work of yours but trust me when I say its much less about the equipment used and much more about your personal talent.
Given a handicam I am sure I could make and equally impressive video (just with some equipment restrictions)..
That said I do know how important it is to have the proper tools :)

Peter Chung
November 17th, 2006, 02:42 PM
Hi Michael,

I liked the recap and the variety of shots. I noticed the fisheye shots but didn't think it was overdone.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences on the other thread. It's cool that you were able to go over the ledge in the very last shot. I'm assuming that was due to the arm ;)

Great work!

Michael Padilla
November 18th, 2006, 01:00 AM
It's cool that you were able to go over the ledge in the very last shot. I'm assuming that was due to the arm ;)

Great work!

Thanks Peter..

the last shot your talking about over the ledge.. yeah that was an arm alright.. my arm :) hehehe