View Full Version : Pal A1

Alex Rae
November 16th, 2006, 06:50 AM
Hey guys,

Looking at buying the A1 in a few weeks when it comes out here in Australia.

The PAL version shoots either 50i or 25f.
-Is 25f 'true' progressive (not something like the Sony's 24f CineFrame?).
-Apart from the 4% speed difference, is 25f the same as NTSC models 24f setting? (In principle)



Chris Hurd
November 16th, 2006, 08:06 AM
"True" progressive is a marketing term. For all intents and purposes, Frame mode is progressive scan. It is entirely different from CineFrame; there is no commonality there.

We've covered Frame mode before in a number of endless discussions... just search here and in the XL H1 forum.

25F and 24F are just the same except for the 1fps difference.

Alex Rae
November 17th, 2006, 04:37 AM
Beautiful, thanks.